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Effective Java - 3rd Edition Notes

Chapter Index

  • 02 - Creating and Destroying Objects
  • 03 - Methods Common to All Objects
  • 04 - Classes and Interfaces
  • 05 - Generics
  • 06 - Enums and Annotations
  • 07 - Lambdas and Streams
  • 08 - Methods
  • 09 - General Programming
  • 10 - Exceptions
  • 11 - Concurrency
  • 12 - Serialization

Chapter 02 - Creating and Destroying Objects

Item 1 - Consider static factory methods instead of constructors

  • traditional vs. flexible way of object instantiation
  • example of static factory method:
public static Boolean valueOf(boolean b) {
    return b ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
Advantages and disadvantages:
  • (PRO) static factories have names, unlike constructors
  • (PRO) static factories are not required to create a new object on each invocation
  • such classes are called instance controlled
    • enable singleton (Item 2) and non-instantiability (Item 3) guarantees
    • allows immutable value class to guarantee no two instances exist
    • forms the basis of Flyweight Pattern
    • Enum types provide this guarantee
  • (PRO) static methods can return an object of any subtype of their return type, unlike constructors
  • this can lead to compact APIs
  • lends itself to interface-based frameworks (Item 20)
  • companion classes mostly obviated in Java 8
    • default methods
    • still some limitations which are dealt with in Java 9+
  • (PRO) static factories allow the class of the returned object to vary from call to call as function of input params
  • example: EnumSet
    • backed by a long - RegularEnumSet
    • backed by a long[] - JumboEnumSet
  • (PRO) static factories do not require the class of returned object to exist when the class containing the method is written
  • form the basis of service provider frameworks
  • example: JDBC
  • variants:
    • dependency-injection frameworks (i.e. Spring, Guice)
    • Bridge Pattern
  • (CON) classes without public/protected constructors cannot be subclassed
  • a blessing in disguise
    • encourages composition over inheritance
  • (CON) hard to find in documentation
  • current JavaDoc limitations
Some common names for static factory methods
  • from()
  • of()
  • valueOf()
  • instance() or getInstance()
  • getType()
  • newType()
  • type()

Avoid the reflex to provide a public constructor and consider static methods/factories.

Item 2 - Consider a builder when faced with many constructor params

  • static factories and constructors share a limitation: they scale poorly with the increase of (optional) params
  • traditional ways of dealing with this:
    • telescoping constructor
      • also scales poorly: hard to write with many params and even harder to read
    • JavaBeans pattern
      • allows inconsistency
      • precludes immutability (Item 17)
  • a better way: Builder pattern
    • typically a static member class (Item 24)
    • the client code is easy to write and, more importantly, easy to read
    • easy to incorporate validity checks
      • check on object fields after copying params from the builder (Item 50)
      • failing check will throw an IllegalArgumentException (Item 72) with exception details (Item 75)
    • well suited to class hierarchies
      • generic builder with recursive type parameters (Item 30) can construct any subclass
      • abstract self() simulates self-type which, combined with covariant return typing, obviates need for casting
    • flexible
  • disadvantages:
    • cost of creating a builder
    • more verbose than a telescoping constructor
  • conclusion:
    • almost always start with a builder in the first place
      • especially so if we have more than a handful params
      • client code much easier to read and write than telescoping constructors
      • builder are much safer than JavaBeans

Item 3 - Enforce the singleton property when a private constructor or enum type

  • singleton is a class that is instantiated exactly once
  • making a class a singleton can make it difficult to test
  • three common ways of implementing it:
    • with public final field
    • with static factory
    • with a single-element enum (preferred)
  • conclusion:
    • if a singleton is indeed warranted, create it as a single-element enum
      • well-defended against reflection
      • solves serialization problems

Item 4 - Enforce non-instantiability with a private constructor

  • occasionally, we want to write a class that is simply a grouping of static methods and static fields
  • such utility classes have acquired a bad reputation due to their abuse in avoiding thinking in terms of objects but they have valid uses:
    • group related methods on primitive values or arrays
      • examples: java.util.Math or java.util.Arrays
    • group static methods, including factories (Item 1)
      • default methods are also available (providing we own the interface)
    • group methods on a final class, since we can't put them in a subclass
  • make such classes non-instantiable
    • provide an explanatory comment
    • throw an AssertionError from constructor instead of empty one, to guard against accidental constructions from within the class
    • as a side-effect, this class is now effectively final
      • the class cannot be subclassed as there are no available constructors
      • still, it is good to document this a make the class itself final

Item 5 - Prefer dependency injection to hard-wiring resources

  • do not use static utility methods or singletons to handle creations of class' resources
    • these yield inflexible and untestable classes
  • favour dependency injection by supplying the required resource parametrically
    • we inject (pass) the dependency (resource) into the class that requires it
    • testable
    • flexible (esp. with Factory Method pattern)
      • Supplier<T> is perfectly suited for representing factories
      • methods that take this interface should typically constrain the factory's type parameter with a bounded wildcard type (Item 31)
        • the client should be able to pass in a factory that requires any subtype of a specified type
  • the manual dependency injection can be automatised with frameworks

Item 6 - Avoid creating unnecessary objects

  • creating unnecessary objects can be avoided by using static factory methods (Item 1)
  • some object creations are much more expensive than others
    • it may be advisable to cache such objects
    • example: regex matching
  • immutable objects can trivially be reused
  • other examples are Adapters (a.k.a. views)
    • adapter is an object delegating to a backing object, providing an alternative interface
    • has not state beyond the backing object thus provides a view of it
    • example: keySet() in Map interface
  • autoboxing can often subtly create unnecessary objects
  • almost never create own object pools
    • JVM gc will almost always outperform such pools
    • exception to this: very expensive objects
      • example: database connection objects
  • counterpoint to this is defencive copying (Item 50)

Item 7 - Eliminate obsolete object references

  • when relying on automatic gc, be wary of leaks
    • example: a resizing-array stack that doesn't null out its references on pop()
  • common sources of leaks
    • classes that manage their own memory
    • caches
      • can be mitigated with WeakHashMap
      • sophisticated caches might need to use java.lang.ref directly
    • listeners and other callbacks
      • APIs that register callbacks but don't deregister them explicitly
      • can be mitigated with WeakHashMap
  • conclusion: it very desirable to learn to anticipate such problems before they occur as they can be very costly to fix

Item 8 - Avoid finalizers and cleaners

  • finalizers and cleaners are used to reclaim non-memory resources
    • example: input/output streams, files, etc.
    • they are not analogues of C++ destructors
  • finalizers are unpredictable, dangerous and generally unnecessary
  • cleaners are less dangerous than finalizers but still slow, unpredicatble and generally unnecessary
  • disadvantages:
    • spec makes no guarantee when they'll be executed
      • their execution is a function of GC algorithm, thus JVM implementation
      • never do anything time-critical in a finalizer or cleaner
      • providing a finalizer may arbitrarily delay reclamation of class' instances
      • cleaners are a bit better but still run under the control of GC so still the same applies
      • any existing methods that claim to trigger finalization are decade-old traps
        • examples: System.runFinalizerOnExit or Runtim.runFinalizerOnExit
    • uncaught exception thrown during finalization is ignored and finalization of that object terminates
      • object is potentially left in corrupted state
      • normally, uncaught exception terminates the executing thread and dumps stacktrace but not if it occurs in finalizer
      • cleaners do not suffer from this problem
    • there is a severe performance GC penalty for using finalizers and cleaners
      • finalizers: ~50x slower reclamation
      • cleaners: ~5x slower reclamation, equal to finalizers if they're used to clean all instance of the class
    • finalizers open up classes to finalizer attacks
      • if an exception is thrown during finalization, the finalizer leaves the class unreclaimed
      • attackers can exploit this and run code that shouldnt've existed
      • to protect non-final classes against it - write a final finalize() that does nothing
  • instead of using finalizers or classes simply use AutoCloseable
    • require clients to invoke close() whenever instance is not required
  • legitimate uses:
    • act as a safety net for closeables
      • think long and hard before doing so
    • reclaim native peer objects
  • conclusion: don't use cleaners, or in releases prior to Java 9, finalizers - except as a safety net or to terminate non-critical native resources. Even then, beware the indeterminacy and performance consequences

Item 9 - Prefer try-with-resources to try-finally

  • Java libraries include many resources that must be closed manually by invoking close()
    • examples: InputStream, OutputStream, java.sql.Connection, etc.
  • closing objects is often overlooked by clients
  • many use finalizers as safety net, with dire performance consequences (Item 8)
  • historically, try-finally was the best way to guarantee a resource would be closed properly, even when facing exception or return
    • while it doesn't look bad for a single resource, it doesn't scale well with the increase of resources required to be closed
      • nested try-finally blocks stick out like a sore thumb
    • it's tricky to get it right, even in JDK
    • nested finally block complicate debugging
  • try-with-resources suffers none of this issues
    • example:
        // try-with-resources on multiple resources - short and sweet
        static void copy(String src, String dst) throws IOException {
        try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src);
             OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dst)) {
             byte[] buf = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
             int n;
             while ((n = >= 0)
             out.write(buf, 0, n);
        } catch (IOException e) {
             // do something here
    • shorter, more readable than try-finally
    • provides far better diagnostics
      • no exceptions are suppressed
  • conclusion: always use try-with-resources when working with resources that must be closed

Chapter 03 - Methods Common to All Objects

Item 10 - Obey the general contract when overriding equals()

  • overriding the equals() seems simple but there are many pitfalls and consequences can be dire
  • easiest way to avoid problems is not override the method at all
    • then, we fall back to object identity only - each object is equal only to itself
  • do not override the method if:
    • each instance of the class is inherently unique
      • example: java.util.thread.Thread
    • there is no need for the class to provide 'logical equality' test
      • example: java.util.regex.Pattern
    • superclass is already overriding equals() and superclass' behaviour is appropriate for the subclass
      • example: most root classes from java.util.collection and subclasses of java.util.Map inherit equals() behaviour from their abstract implementations
    • the class is (package-)private and we're certain equals() will never be invoked
      • the risk-averse may throw an exception in the subclass if equals() is called
    • the class is instance controlled (Item 1)
      • example: enum types
  • do override the method if a class has a notion of logical equality that differs from mere object identity
    • this is generally the case for value classes
    • examples: java.util.Integer or java.util.String
  • overriding the equals() implies adhering to its general contract of equivalence relation:
    • (reflexivity) x.equals(x) == true, for x != null
      • hard to violate unintentionally
    • (symmetry) x.equals(y) == y.equals(x), for x, y != null
      • example: compare ordinary and case insensitive strings
    • (transitivity) x.equals(y) == y.equals(z) == x.equals(z), for x, y, z != null
      • examples: subclass adds a new value component; java.util.Date and java.util.Timestamp
      • easier to violate when using inheritance
      • once this property is violated, subsequent fixes are likely to violate other properties
      • fundamental problem of equivalence relations in OO languages => there is no way to extend an instantiable class and add a value component whilst preserving the relation!
      • workaround: favour composition over inheritance
    • (consistency) x.equals(y) == x.equals(y), for x, y != null
      • example: 'java.util.URL'
      • do not write equals() that depend on unreliable resources
    • (non-nullity) x.equals(null) == false, for x != null
      • hard to violate unintenionally, unless an exception is thrown instead of returning false
  • violation of this contract means it is uncertain how other objects will behave when confronted with our object
  • conclusions:
    • rely on IDEs to generate the equals()
    • if manual tuning is really necessary, pay attention to equivalence relation violation (write tests!) and performance

Item 11 - Always override hashCode() when overriding equals()

  • violating this rule will violate the general contract for hashCode()
    • it prevents proper functioning of hash-based collections
  • general hashCode() contract:
    • (consistency) x.hashCode() == x.hashCode(), for x != null
    • (equality) x.equals(y) => (x.hashCode() == y.hashCode()), for x, y != null
  • worst possible hash-code implementation is returning the same number
    • degrades performance horrifically
  • conclusions:
    • it is mandatory to override hashCode() each time equals() is overridden
      • failure to do so precludes correct functioning of the program (fallback on Object)
    • obey the general hashCode() contract
    • rely on the Object.hashCode(...) to compute the hash-code unless performance is very important

Item 12 - Always override toString()

  • makes systems using the class easier to debug
    • disadvantage: once specified, it's for-life
  • clearly document intentions
  • don't override toString() on
    • static utility class (Item 4)
    • enum types (Item 34)
  • rely on IDE to create a good toString() implementation

Item 13 - Override clone() judiciously

  • conclusions:
    • do not use clone()
    • use static factory to copy objects whenever possible

Item 14 - Consider implementing Comparable

  • isn't inherited from Object type
  • located in functional interface Comparable
  • similar to equals() except it permits order comparisons in addition to simple equality comparisons
  • implementing Comparable, class indicates its instances follow natural ordering
  • it also makes it easy to apply various searching, sorting and extreme values computations on such a class
    • example: java.util.String
    • class automatically interoperates with a variety of generic algorithms and collection implementations
    • small effort and code footprint to leverage existing (vast) capabilites
  • general contract of compareTo() is very similar to equals:
    • (reflexivity) (x.compareTo(y) == 0) => (sgn(x.compareTo(z) == sgn(y.compareTo(z)), for x, y, z != null
    • (symmetry) sgn(x.compareTo(y)) == -sgn(y.compareTo(x)), for x, y != null
      • helps imposing total order
    • (transitivity) (x.compareTo(y) && y.compareTo(z)) > 0 => (x.compareTo(z)) > 0, for x, y, z != null
      • helps imposing total order
    • (optional consistency with equals) (x.compareTo(y) == 0) <=> (x.equals(y)), for x, y != null
      • if violated, still will yield valid comparisons but will generally not guarantee obeying the general contract for collections and maps
      • examples: java.util.BigDecimal in HashSet and TreeSet
  • to compare object ref fields, invoke compareTo() recursively
  • do not use relational operators in compareTo()
    • use compare() on boxed primitive types
    • alternately, use comparator fluent construction methods in Comparator interface
  • do not use hashCode arithmetics-based comparisons
    • though somewhat more performant, they are fraught with danger from integer overflow and FP arithmetic artifacts
    • use the same techniques as in the bullet point above
  • generally, same limitations and workarounds as for the equals() apply here
    • exceptions may be thrown, however, without violating the contract
  • conclusions:
    • whenever a value class has sensible ordering, Comparable should be implemented
      • easy sorting, searching and usage in comparison-based collections
    • do not use relational comparison operators to determine the result of comparing two elements
      • rely on static compare() in the boxed primitive types
      • alternately, use comparator construction methods in Comparator interface

Chapter 04 - Classes and Interfaces

Item 15 - Minimise the accesibility of classes and members

  • well-designed components:
    • hide their internal data and other implementation details from other components
    • thus, they cleanly separate their API from its implementation
    • components are then oblivios to each other's workings
    • this is encapsulation (information hiding) -> a fundamental tenet of software design
  • importance of encapsulation:
    • decouples the components comprising a system
    • this allows for development/optimisation/usage/reasoning/modification in isolation
      • speeds up development (parallelisation)
      • reduces maintenance costs (easier reasoning/debugging/replacement)
      • makes for effective performance tuning (isolation -> does not influence correctness of others)
      • increases reuse (decoupled components usually provide use in contexts beyond original design)
      • de-risks development (individual components may prove successful even if the system does not)
  • Java encapsulation facilities:
    • access control mechanism (private, protected, public keywords + default access)
  • encapsulation rule of thumb: make each class/member as inaccessible as possible
    • after carefully designing a class' public API, the reflex should be to make all other members private
    • change design if you find yourself opening up the API too frequently
      • there may be a better decomposition with higher decoupling
    • some fields may leak into the exported API if the class implements Serializable interface
  • huge increase in visibility when going from default to protected
    • becomes a part of exported API (has to be supported forever)
    • should be relatively rare
  • overridden methods cannot have restrictive access level in the subclass than it is in the superclass
    • fields a compile-time error
    • a consequence of Liskov substition principle
    • special rule -> if a class implements an interface, all implemented methods must be public
  • opening up a class to facilitate testing is acceptable (to a degree)
    • the less restrictive access must not be any higher than default access
    • it is fine to make the code "worse" in order to cover it with tests (M. Feathers, "Working Effectively With Legacy Code")
  • instance fields of public classes should rarely be public
    • gives up :
      • the ability to enforce invariants on the field
      • the flexibility to change data structure
    • not thread-safe
    • same applies for static fields, except if they are also final
      • exception: it's always wrong to expose a mutable data structure as public static final (e.g. Arrays, Lists...)
      • for such instances make an accessor which defencively copies the data structure and make the field private
  • Java 9 modules:
    • module is a group of packages, much like a pakcage is group of classes
    • it may explicitly export some of its packages (via export declarations in its module declaration
    • public/protected members of unexported packages in a module are inaccessible outside the module
      • within, they work as before
    • using the module system allows us to share classes among packages within a module without making them visible to the entire world
    • the need for this kind of sharing is relatively rar and can often be eliminated by rearranging classes within a package
    • it is unclear if it will achieve widespread use outside of the JDK itself (where it's strictly enforced)
  • summary:
    • reduce accebility of program elements as much as possible
    • do not expose mutable types as public static final fields

Item 16 - Favour accessors over public fields in public classes

  • occasionaly, degenerate classes are rolled out such as this one:
class Point {
    public double x;
    public double y
  • if confined to package-private or private access modifier, they can be very useful in reducing visual clutter and overhead
    • making them more accessible would be dangerous and is not advised
      • there are examples in JDK that violate this rule (java.awt.Point, java.awt.Dimension)

Item 17 - Minimise mutability

  • immutable classes are classes whose instances cannot be modified
    • all of the data in the object is fixed for the lifetime of the object
    • e.g. java.lang.String, the boxed primitive classes, BigInteger and BigDecimal
  • many reasons to use immutable classes -> easier to design, implement and use than mutable classes
  • to make a class mutable, follow these 5 rules:
    • don't provide mutators
    • ensure that the class cannot be extended
    • make all fields final
    • make all fields private
    • ensure exclusive access to any mutable components
  • immutable classes are easier to realise using functional, rather than imperative approach
  • immutable objects are simple
    • has always exactly one state - the state in which it was created
    • they are easier to use reliably
  • immutable object are inherently thread-safe (they require no synchronisation)
    • thus can be shared freely, promoting reuse
    • no defencive copies necessary
    • their internals can be shared freely
  • immutable objects make great building blocks for other objects
    • they also make great map keys or set elements
  • immutable object provide atomicity for free
  • the one disadvantage -> they require a separate object for each distinct value
    • the problem is exacerbated if the object is a part of multistep transformation
    • one way to solve this issue is by providing mutable 'companion classes'
  • no method may produce an externally visible change in the object's state
    • consider using lazy initialisation technique
  • summary:
    • classes should be immutable unless there is a very good reason to make them mutable
    • if a class cannot be made immutable, limit its mutability as much as possible
      • declare every field private final unless there is a good reason to do so otherwise
  • constructors should create fully initialised objects with all their invariants established
    • e.g. CountDownLatch

Item 18 - Favour composition over inheritance

  • this chapter applies to implementation inheritance, not interface inheritance
  • inheritance is a powerful way to achieve code reuse
  • can lead to fragile software if employed inappropriately
  • safe to use:
    • within a package (where sub- and super-class are under control of the same programmers)
    • if a class specifically is designed and documented for inheritance
  • inheritance violates encapsulation
    • subclass depends on implementation details of the superclass
    • both must evolve in tandem
    • e.g. HashSet extension
      • depending on superclass' method to implement your own can lead to fragility - as the superclass evolves, your code may break without any changes
    • related cause of fragility is that their superclass can acquire new methods in subsequent releases
      • e.g. Hashtable and Vector classes had to had their security holes fixed before being retrofitted to participate in Collections framework
  • solution to these issues is the application of composition
    • existing class becomes a component of the new one
    • new class is free to forward calls to the old class where appropriate (forwarding methods)
    • resulting classes are then rock solid:
      • they don't depend on the implementation details of the existing class
    • the forwarder-wrapper pattern is also known as the Decorator pattern
      • this combination of composition and forwarding is also informally defined as delegation
    • disadvantages of wrapper classes are few:
      • not suited for use in callback frameworks (callbacks elude the wrapper - SELF problem)
      • theoretical performance and memory impacts
      • tedious to write forwarding classes
  • inheritance is only appropriate for classes that pass the "is-a" test
    • answer truthfully to question "If B extended A, is B really an A?"
    • a number of obvious violations in JDK
      • Stack extends Vector
      • Properties extends Hashtable
  • does the class contemplated to extends has any flaws in its API?
  • summary:
    • inheritance is powerful but problematic as it violates encapsulation
    • appropriate only when a genuine subtype relationship exists between the sub- and super-class
    • inheritance may lead to fragility
      • use composition and forwarding instead to avoid this fragility
      • wrapper classes are more robust and powerful than subclasses

Item 19 - Design and document for inheritance or else prohibit it

  • what does it mean to design/document for inheritance?
    • the class must document its self-use of overridable methods
      • this is one special case where it's ok to document implementation detail (unfortunate side-effect of inheritance violating encapsulation)
    • the class may have to provide hooks into its internal workings
      • careful choosing of protected methods
      • enables programmers to write efficient subclasses without undue pain
    • the only way to test a class designed for inheritance is to write subclasses
      • test before releasing the class
    • constructors must not invoke overridable methods (directly or indirectly)
      • safe to invoke private/final/static methods, none of which are overridable
    • Cloneable or Serializable interfaces are especially difficult to design for inheritance
      • use neither in such classes
  • designing a class for inheritance requires great effort and places substantial limitations on the class
    • occasionaly, it is clearly the right thing to do (e.g. abstract classes, interfaces or skeletal implementations)
    • the opposite also holds (e.g. immutable classes)
  • best approach is to prohibit subclassing in classes that are not designed and documented for safe subclassing
    • prohibit inheritance on classes implementing an interface that captures its essence
    • for other classes, ensure at least that the class never invokes any of its overridable methods and document this
  • summary:
    • designing a class for inheritance is hard
    • document all self-use patterns
    • export one or more protected methods
    • strongly consider prohibiting inheritance altogether

Item 20 - Prefer interfaces to abstract classes

  • two mechanisms to define a type that permits multiple implementations: interfaces and abstract classes
  • existing classes can easily be retrofitted to implement a new interface
    • they cannot, in general, be retrofitted with a new abstract class without doing collateral damage to the type hierarchy
  • interfaces are ideal for defining mixins
    • a mixin is a type thtat a class implements additionally to its 'primary type'
      • e.g. Comparable
    • abstract classes cannot be used to define mixins
  • interfaces allow for the construction of non-hierarchical type frameworks
    • they can prevent combinatorial explosion produced by abstract classes
  • interfaces enable safe, powerful functionality enhancements
    • wrapper class idiom


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