- Gulp (Build system)
- browser-sync (Live CSS Reload & Browser Syncing)
- gulp-autoprefixer (Prefix CSS)
- gulp-plumber (Prevent pipe breaking caused by errors from gulp plugins)
- gulp-rename (Rename files)
- gulp-sass (Gulp plugin for sass)
- gulp-uglify (Minify files with UglifyJS)
- gulp-imagemin (Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images)
- imagemin-pngquant (pngquant imagemin plugin)
Clone the jekyll-gulp repository
Rename myproject to whatever you wish your folder to be called
git clone https://github.com/devoidofgenius/jekyll-gulp.git myproject
Install Node Modules
Inside project directory
npm install
Running the default gulp task starts development mode