HighRadius is a Fintech enterprise Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company which leverages Artificial Intelligence-based Autonomous Systems to help companies automate Accounts Receivable and Treasury processes.
In this internship the time frame has been divided into two phases where:
In the first phase we build a machine learning model that automates account receivables
given a dataset/data(supervised machine learning). We have to understand the data, preporcess the data, execute feature engineering and finally train a model to predict account receivables
Project directory has two files, "Try 2" jupyter notebook is building model and removing the overfitting problem from the first try. This gives a better accuracy for both the training and testing sets.
In this phase we build a full stack Invoice Management Application
using ReactJs, JDBC, Java and JSP
which will include:
- Visualize Data in the form of grids.
- Perform Searching operations on the invoices.
- it data in the editable fields of the grid.
- Download data of selected rows in predefined templates.