A simple module for masking numeric values.
Pass the value you want to replace symbols in to the replace
function. The function takes two arguments: a value itself and an option hash.
The options are:
- replaceCount -- amount of digits to replace. Defaults to 3.
- replaceSymbol -- symbol to replace digits with. Defaults to '*'.
- numberDotSymbol -- symbol used to divide integer and fraction digits. Defaults to '.'.
const replace = require('number-masker).replace;
replace(123456) === '***456'; // true
replace(12345e-3) === '****45'; // true
replace(123.456) === '****56'; //true
replace('123,456', {
replaceCount: 4,
replaceSymbol: '?',
numberDotSymbol: ','
}) === '?????56'; // true