Full Company of Heroes 2 rebinder to make our lives easier.
The current controls of CoH2 are utterly shit. The game also do not offer a way to change this so we need the help of AutoHotKey. This tool is safe to use and it will only rebind keys, it will not give you super powers! The executable can be marked as a virus by your anti-virus, but this is a false positive as it tracks your keystrokes.
- Only runs when Company of Heroes 2 is running, so it has zero performance impact.
- Movement has been remapped from the arrow keys to WASD.
- Easy to customize.
- Does not break online chat (global chat and team only).
- Numpad keys are excluded by default.
- Shows fancy status overlay in-game (and provides audio feedback on status, just because).
- WASD = Camera movement
- M(ines) = Plant mines (requires engineers)
- G(round) = Attack ground (requires tank)
- T(ank) = Attack vehicles only (requires vehicle)
- C(ancel) = Cancel current action
- Q(uit) = Retreat forces
- E = Throw grenade
- Z = Reverse move action (requires vehicle)
- R(einforce) = Reinforce troops
- F(ix) = Repair using engineers
- ` = Map pointer (tilde)
- \ = Enable/disable
- F1 = Enable/disable
- F2 = Sends "Hey, what is the plan?" to team chat
- F3 = Sends "GL HF!" to global chat Suggestions? Let me know using the issue tracker.
You can download the ready-to-run tool from the Releases page here: https://github.com/tamerciaga/coh2-rebinder/releases
If you want to edit the script and customize it to your needs, you will need AHK. You can download it freely from: https://www.autohotkey.com/. The executable has been compiled using Ahk2Exe v1.1.31.01.
- 1.2 (22-01-2021) Added compatibility with x64 version, Overlay removed due to issues, new on/off sounds added. Some other minor fixes.
- 1.1 (27-10-2020) Added hotkey: E = Throw grenade.
- 1.0 (04-11-2019) Initial release.
MIT License