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feat: Adding section for retrieving tags from item in #256
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LuchoTurtle committed Jan 26, 2023
1 parent a7a2344 commit 5bf97c6
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Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ can also be done through our `REST API`
- [7.3.3 Updating `:create` in `lib/api/item.ex`](#733-updating-create-in-libapiitemex)
- [ Creating `tag` validating functions](#7331-creating-tag-validating-functions)
- [ Finishing up `lib/api/item.ex`'s `create` function](#7332-finishing-up-libapiitemexs-create-function)
- [7.3 Fetching items with embedded tags](#73-fetching-items-with-embedded-tags)
- [7.3.1 Adding tests](#731-adding-tests-1)
- [7.3.2 Returning `item` with `tags` on endpoint](#732-returning-item-with-tags-on-endpoint)
- [7.3.3 A note about `Jason` encoding](#733-a-note-about-jason-encoding)
- [8. _Advanced/Automated_ `API` Testing Using `Hoppscotch`](#8-advancedautomated-api-testing-using-hoppscotch)
- [8.0 `Hoppscotch` Setup](#80-hoppscotch-setup)
- [8.1 Using `Hoppscotch`](#81-using-hoppscotch)
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## 7.3 Fetching items with embedded tags

Now that people can create `items` with `tags`,
we can apply the same logic
and *allow the person to fetch `items` with the associated `tags`*.

We can use **query parameters**
to know if the user wants to embed `tags` or not.
By limiting fields returned by the API,
we are
[following good `RESTful` practices](

Luckily, implementing this feature is quite simple!
Let's roll! 🍣

### 7.3.1 Adding tests

Let's add our tests first.
We want the user to pass a *query param*
named `embed` with a value of `"tags"`
so the API returns the `item` with the associated `tags`.

Inside `test/app/item_test.exs`,
add the following test.

test "get_item/2 returns the item with given id with tags" do
{:ok, %{model: item, version: _version}} = Item.create_item(@valid_attrs)

tags = Map.get(Item.get_item(, true), :tags)

assert Item.get_item(, true).text == item.text
assert not is_nil(tags)

The function `get_item/1` that is currently
in `lib/app/item.ex` will need to be changed
to return tags according to a second boolean parameter.
We will implement this change shortly.

Let's add the test that will check the `:show` endpoint
and if tags are being returned when requested.
Inside `test/api/item_test.exs`,
add the following test.

test "specific item with tags", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, %{model: item, version: _version}} = Item.create_item(@create_attrs)
conn = get(conn, Routes.api_item_path(conn, :show,, %{"embed" => "tags"})

assert json_response(conn, 200)["id"] ==
assert json_response(conn, 200)["text"] == item.text
assert not is_nil(json_response(conn, 200)["tags"])

We are passing a `embed` query parameter with `tags` value
and returning an array of `tags`.

Now that we have the tests added,
let's implement the needed changes for these to pass!

### 7.3.2 Returning `item` with `tags` on endpoint

It's time to implement the changes!
Let's start by changing the function `get_item/1`
in `lib/app/item.ex`.

Change it so it looks like the following.

def get_item(id, preload_tags \\ false ) do
item = Item
|> Repo.get(id)

if(preload_tags == true) do
item |> Repo.preload(tags: from(t in Tag, order_by: t.text))

We are also going to change how to encode the schema.
Change the `@derive` annotation to the following.

@derive {Jason.Encoder, except: [:__meta__, :__struct__, :timer, :inserted_at, :updated_at]}
schema "items" do
field :person_id, :integer
field :status, :integer
field :text, :string

has_many :timer, Timer
many_to_many(:tags, Tag, join_through: ItemTag, on_replace: :delete)


We are now encoding *all the fields*
except those that are specified.

The user can now send a second parameter
(which is `false` by default)
detailing if we want to fetch the `item`
with `tags` preloaded.

Now let's *use* this changed function
in the `:show` endpoint of `/items`.
In `lib/api/item.ex`,
change `show/2` to the following.

def show(conn, %{"id" => id} = params) do

embed = Map.get(params, "embed", "")

case Integer.parse(id) do
# ID is an integer
{id, _float} ->
retrieve_tags = embed =~ "tag"
case Item.get_item(id, retrieve_tags) do
nil ->
errors = %{
code: 404,
message: "No item found with the given \'id\'."

json(conn |> put_status(404), errors)

item ->
if retrieve_tags do
json(conn, item)
# Since tags is Ecto.Association.NotLoaded, we have to remove it.
# By removing it, the object is no longer an Item struct, hence why encoding fails (@derive no longer applies).
# We need to remove the rest of the unwanted fields from the "now-map" object.
# Jason.Encode should do this instead of removing here.
item = Map.drop(item, [:tags, :timer, :__meta__, :__struct__, :inserted_at, :updated_at])
json(conn, item)

# ID is not an integer
:error ->
errors = %{
code: 400,
message: "Item \'id\' should be an integer."

json(conn |> put_status(400), errors)

We've retrieved the `embed` query parameter
and check if it has a value of `"tag"`.
Depending on whether the person wants `tags` or not,
the result is returned normally.

### 7.3.3 A note about `Jason` encoding

There is another small change
we ought to make.
Since we changed the `@derive` annotation,
the `update/2` function, after updating,
retrieves the `item` and *tries* to encode

If you run `mix test`
or try to update an item (`PUT /items/:id`),
you will see an error pop up in the terminal.

** (RuntimeError) cannot encode association :tags from App.Item to JSON because the association was not loaded.

You can either preload the association:

Repo.preload(App.Item, :tags)

Or choose to not encode the association when converting the struct to JSON by explicitly listing the JSON fields in your schema:

defmodule App.Item do
# ...

@derive {Jason.Encoder, only: [:name, :title, ...]}
schema ... do


`Jason.Encoder` expects `tags` to be loaded.
However, they are not *preloaded by default*.
The `item` after being updated and returned to the API controller
looks like so:

item #=> %App.Item{
__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "items">,
id: 1,
person_id: 42,
status: 0,
text: "some updated text",
timer: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :timer is not loaded>,
tags: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :tags is not loaded>,
inserted_at: ~N[2023-01-26 16:19:29],
updated_at: ~N[2023-01-26 16:19:30]

Notice how `:tags` nor `:timer` are not loaded.
`Jason.Encoder` doesn't know how to encode this in a `json` format.

This is why we **also need to add the following line**...

`Map.drop(item, [:tags, :timer, :__meta__, :__struct__, :inserted_at, :updated_at])`

... to the `update/2` function, like so:

def update(conn, params) do
id = Map.get(params, "id")
new_text = Map.get(params, "text")

# Get item with the ID
case Item.get_item(id) do
nil ->
errors = %{
code: 404,
message: "No item found with the given \'id\'."

json(conn |> put_status(404), errors)

# If item is found, try to update it
item ->
case Item.update_item(item, %{text: new_text}) do
# Successfully updates item
{:ok, %{model: item, version: _version}} ->
item = Map.drop(item, [:tags, :timer, :__meta__, :__struct__, :inserted_at, :updated_at])
json(conn, item)

# Error creating item
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
errors = make_changeset_errors_readable(changeset)

conn |> put_status(400),


Because `tags` is not loaded,
we **remove it**.
But by removing this field,
the object *is no longer an `Item` struct*,
so `Jason` doesn't know how to serialize `__meta__` or `__struct__`.

**This is why we remove the detailed fields whenever `tags` are not loaded.**

After all of these changes,
if you run `mix test`,
all tests should run properly!

now the person using the API
can *choose* to retrieve an `item` with `tags` or not!

# 8. _Advanced/Automated_ `API` Testing Using `Hoppscotch`

`API` testing is an essential part
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