Blitz++ is a C++ template class library that provides array objects for scientific computing. It is not a linear algebra or fft library; see or for libraries that will do those things.
Blitz has gone through some changes in location:
The original Blitz website was located at
Blitz then moved to SourceForge, at
The latest maintained version of Blitz is now on GitHub, at
Licensing information is detailed in the LEGAL file. Summary: you can do anything except sell this library in source form. Blitz is licensed under either the Lesser GPL version 3 license (see COPYING and COPYING.LESSER), the BSD license (see COPYRIGHT), and the less restrictive Perl "artistic license" version 2.0 (see LICENSE).
The latest version of Blitz++ is 1.0.1. The tarball may be downloaded at:
blitz Blitz++ headers and source files
blitz/meta Blitz++ template metaprogramming headers
blitz/array Blitz++ headers for Array class
random Blitz++ headers for random number generation
src Blitz++ source files compiled into library
doc Current Blitz documentation using .texi and doxygen.
manual Original Blitz manual in HTML and PS format (not updated)
m4 Local m4 macros used by autoconf/automake
compiler Compiler tests (used with obsolete bzconfig script)
testsuite Test suite
examples Example programs
benchmarks Benchmark programs
lib Build area for Blitz++ library
All Blitz++ header files are referred to with a prefix of "blitz/". For example, to use the Array<T,N> class, one needs to include <blitz/array.h> instead of just <array.h>. To make this work, the main Blitz++ directory must be in your include path. For example, if Blitz++ was installed in /software/Blitz++, you will need to compile with -I/software/Blitz++ and -L/software/Blitz++/lib -lblitz
To summarize, a typical command line is:
g++ foo.cpp -o foo -I/software/Blitz++ -L/software/Blitz++/lib -lblitz
To avoid the -I and -L options, you can set up symbolic links -- see INSTALL for details.
Please report bugs to [email protected] or submit a bug report on the SourceForge website at
Please send ideas or feature requests to [email protected] or submit them on the Blitz++ SourceForge website.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.