Check out the Multiview Egocentric Hand Tracking Challenge 2024!!
This repository contains the following tools for hand tracking research:
- APIs for loading data from the UmeTrack and HOT3D datasets
- Computation of metrics used in the Hand Tracking Challenge organized at ECCV 2024
- Data visualization helpers
The datasets are provided using the WebDataset format. The file structure of each sequence is as follows:
├─ train
│ ├─ subject_000_separate_hand_000000.tar
│ ├─ subject_000_hand_hand_000001.tar
│ ├─ ...
│ ├─ subject_049_hand_hand_000099.tar
├─ pose_test
│ ├─ subject_050_separate_hand_000100.tar
│ ├─ subject_050_hand_hand_000101.tar
│ ├─ ...
│ ├─ subject_079_hand_hand_000199.tar
├─ shape_test
│ ├─ subject_080_separate_hand_000300.tar
│ ├─ subject_080_hand_hand_000301.tar
│ ├─ ...
│ ├─ subject_099_hand_hand_000399.tar
Each tar file is assumed to contain 2~4 synchronized monochrome streams plus an
optional RGB stream. The image files are suffixed with the image stream ID which
can be used to look up the camera parameters from *.cameras.json
. For example,
the file could have the following structure:
├─ subject_000_separate_hand_000000.tar
│ ├─ 000000.image_1201-1.jpg
│ ├─ 000000.image_1201-2.jpg
│ ├─ 000000.cameras.json
│ ├─ 000000.hands.json
│ ├─ 000000.hand_crops.json
│ ├─ ...
│ ├─ __hand_shapes.json__
Each sequence contains only one subject thus the hand shape parameters are
shared by all frames in the same sequence and are saved in
. Per-frame hand pose annotations are provided in
Following the
paper, we also provide the perspective crop camera parameters which can be used
to produce hand crop images.The figure above illustrates the usage. The
perspective crop camera parameters can be found in *.hand_crops.json
We provide hand shape/pose annotations for two types of hand models 1) UmeTrack hand model and 2) MANO hand model. Note that the MANO annotations are solved from the UmeTrack annotations and its overall accuracy is therefore slightly worse. For training better models, we recommend using the UmeTrack annotations to get hand keypoints for supervision.
Each dataset has three splits:
- Training: all annotations are available
- Pose estimation test:
files are removed - Shape estimation test:
files and__hand_shapes.json__
are removed.
Run the following command to install the toolkit:
pip install git+
# (Optional) Install the third-party dependencies required for hands by reviewing and accepting the licenses provided on the corresponding third-party repositories
pip install git+
pip install git+
Go to to download
the MANO pickle files (MANO_LEFT.pkl
and MANO_RIGHT.pkl
You can build a hand crop image dataset using the following code snippet:
from hand_tracking_toolkit.dataset import build_hand_dataset
from hand_tracking_toolkit.visualization import visualize_hand_crop_data
from hand_tracking_tooklit.hand_models.mano_hand_model import MANOHandModel
mano_layer = MANOHandModel("/path/to/mano/pkl/files")
root = (
sequence_names = [
dataset = build_hand_dataset(
for i, sample in enumerate(dataset):
img = visualize_hand_crop_data(
# use your favorite library to visualize the image
The visualization of hand crops should look like this:
Evaluation is performed using the
Multiview Egocentric Hand Tracking Challenge
website. Following the data splits, the challenge has two tracks: 1) pose
estimation track and 2) shape estimation track. For each track, a submission tar
file is expected.
provides utility functions to generate the
submission files. The evaluation server stores the test annotation files which
are compared with the submission files to calculate the metrics.
The submission file for the pose estimation track looks like this:
"sequence_name": "sequence0000",
"frame_id": 0,
"pose": [...], // mano pose parameters
"wrist_xform": [...], // global wrist transformation
"hand_side": 0 // left
"sequence_name": "sequence0000",
"frame_id": 1,
"pose": [...],
"wrist_xform": [...],
"hand_side": 1
- For UmeTrack, the evaluation is done for every frame, i.e. frame_id=0,1,2,3...
- For HOT3D, since the dataset is larger, the evaluation is done for every 10th frame, i.e. frame_id=0, 10, 20, 30...
Please only include the frames to be evaluated in the submission files.
The submission file for the shape estimation track looks like this:
"sequence_name": "sequence0000",
"mano_beta": [...], // mano shape parameters
"hand_side": 0 // left
The evaluation server expects a single submission tar file for each track. The submission tar file should contain the results of all datasets you want to evaluate on.
Example for the pose estimation track:
├─ pose_submission.tar.gz
│ ├─ result_pose_umetrack.json
│ ├─ result_pose_hot3d.json
Example for the shape estimation track:
├─ shape_submission.tar.gz
│ ├─ result_shape_umetrack.json
│ ├─ result_shape_hot3d.json
NOTE: It's okay to only include the result for UmeTrack or HOT3D. The evaluation server will automatically skip the missing files.
We do not provide a validation set. You can create a validation set by selecting a subset from the training set. To prepare the annotation files (same format as the submission files):
$OUTPUT_DIR = /path/to/output/dir
python3 scripts/ --input-dir /path/to/your/umetrack/subset --output-dir $OUTPUT_DIR
# Rename the files by adding the dataset name as the suffix
for i in *.json; do mv "$i" "${i%.*}_umetrack.json"; done
# Pack everything into a tar file (optional: compress with gzip)
tar -czf gt.tar.gz gt*.json /path/to/mano/dir
After obtaining the submission files, pack the files similarly:
tar -czf pose_submission.tar.gz result_pose_umetrack.json
tar -czf shape_submission.tar.gz result_shape_umetrack.json
the metrics can be obtained by running the evaluation script (the same script that runs on the challenge server):
# pose estimation evaluation
python3 scripts/run_evaluation.par --test-annotation-file ~/eval_files/gt.tar.gz --user-submission-file pose_submission.tar.gz --phase-codename pose_estimation
# shape estimation evaluation
python3 scripts/run_evaluation.par --test-annotation-file ~/eval_files/gt.tar.gz --user-submission-file shape_submission.tar.gz --phase-codename shape_estimation
If you use this toolkit for publications, please cite this work:
title={UmeTrack: Unified multi-view end-to-end hand tracking for VR},
author={Han, Shangchen and Wu, Po-chen and Zhang, Yubo and Liu, Beibei and Zhang, Linguang and Wang, Zheng and Si, Weiguang and Zhang, Peizhao and Cai, Yujun and Hodan, Tomas and others},
booktitle={SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Conference Papers},
- This research toolkit is released under the Apache 2.0 license, as found in the LICENSE file.
- Using hands annotation requires installation of SMPLX/MANO third-party dependencies, please review and agree to their license listed on their website.
- Before using the UmeTrack dataset, please review and agree the license.
- Before using the HOT3D dataset, please review and agree the license.
We welcome contributions! Go to CONTRIBUTING and our CODE OF CONDUCT for how to get started.