🧬 The fastest parser in the entire JavaScript ecosystem with a focus on small bundle size and top-notch DX
A RuboCop plugin that allows to disable some unfavorite ruby syntax, such as `unless`, safe navigation etc.
[Experimental] Argument forwarding for pattern matching
Allows Sequel to reuse Active Record's database connection
A collection of Ruby Net::HTTP examples.
FP-inspired prelude/standard library for ReasonML projects
A ReasonML/Ocaml library for category theory and abstract algebra
Generate strings that match a given regular expression
Application framework with state management and built-in dependency injection support
BuckleScript `[@bs.blabla]` attributes explained with examples
Concurrent Programming with Effect Handlers
Examples to illustrate the use of algebraic effects in Multicore OCaml
A more helpful way to view differences between complex data structures in RSpec.
Type-safe JSON decoding for ReasonML and OCaml
The pure asynchronous runtime for Scala
Polyfill implements newer Ruby features into older versions.
📫 Cross-language temporary (disposable/throwaway) email detection library. Covers 55 734+ fake email providers.
a list of disposable and temporary email address domains
Qo - Query Object - Pattern matching and fluent querying in Ruby
Bring some 12 factor love to your mobile apps!
you will be surrounded (surround.vim for evil, the extensible vi layer)