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Releases: geosolutions-it/geoserver-restconfig


15 Jul 14:52
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.. image::

.. note:: geoserver-restconfig is a fork of the old

geoserver-restconfig is a python library for manipulating a GeoServer instance via the GeoServer RESTConfig API.

The project is distributed under a MIT License <LICENSE.txt>_ .


.. code-block:: shell

pip install geoserver-restconfig==1.0.1

For developers:

.. code-block:: shell

git clone [email protected]:geosolutions-it/geoserver-restconfig.git
cd geoserver-restconfig
python develop

Getting Help

There is a brief manual at .
If you have questions, please ask them on the GeoServer Users mailing list: .

Please use the Github project at for any bug reports (and pull requests are welcome, but please include tests where possible.)

Sample Layer Creation Code

.. code-block:: python

from geoserver.catalog import Catalog
cat = Catalog("http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest")
topp = cat.get_workspace("topp")
shapefile_plus_sidecars = shapefile_and_friends("states")
# shapefile_and_friends should look on the filesystem to find a shapefile
# and related files based on the base path passed in
# shapefile_plus_sidecars == {
#    'shp': 'states.shp',
#    'shx': 'states.shx',
#    'prj': 'states.prj',
#    'dbf': 'states.dbf'
# }

# 'data' is required (there may be a 'schema' alternative later, for creating empty featuretypes)
# 'workspace' is optional (GeoServer's default workspace is used by... default)
# 'name' is required
ft = cat.create_featurestore(name, workspace=topp, data=shapefile_plus_sidecars)

Running Tests

Since the entire purpose of this module is to interact with GeoServer, the test suite is mostly composed of integration tests <>_.
These tests necessarily rely on a running copy of GeoServer, and expect that this GeoServer instance will be using the default data directory that is included with GeoServer.
This data is also included in the GeoServer source repository as /data/release/.
In addition, it is expected that there will be a postgres database available at postgres:password@localhost:5432/db.
You can test connecting to this database with the psql command line client by running $ psql -d db -Upostgres -h localhost -p 5432 (you will be prompted interactively for the password.)

To override the assumed database connection parameters, the following environment variables are supported:


If present, psycopg will be used to verify the database connection prior to running the tests.

If provided, the following environment variables will be used to reset the data directory:

Location of git repository to read the clean data from. If only this option is provided
git clean will be used to reset the data.
Optional location of the data dir geoserver will be running with. If provided, rsync
will be used to reset the data.
Optional environment variable allowing the catalog test cases to automatically download
and start a vanilla GeoServer WAR form the web.
Be sure that there are no running services on HTTP port 8080.

Here are the commands that I use to reset before running the geoserver-restconfig tests:

.. code-block:: shell

$ cd ~/geoserver/src/web/app/
$ PGUSER=postgres dropdb db
$ PGUSER=postgres createdb db -T template_postgis
$ git clean -dxff -- ../../../data/release/
$ git checkout -f
$ MAVEN_OPTS="-XX:PermSize=128M -Xmx1024M" \
GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=../../../data/release \
mvn jetty:run

At this point, GeoServer will be running foregrounded, but it will take a few seconds to actually begin listening for http requests.
You can stop it with CTRL-C (but don't do that until you've run the tests!)
You can run the geoserver-restconfig tests with the following command:

.. code-block:: shell

$ python test

Instead of restarting GeoServer after each run to reset the data, the following should allow re-running the tests:

.. code-block:: shell

$ git clean -dxff -- ../../../data/release/
$ curl -XPOST --user admin:geoserver http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/reload

More Examples - Updated for GeoServer 2.4+

Loading the GeoServer catalog using geoserver-restconfig is quite easy. The example below allows you to connect to GeoServer by specifying custom credentials.

.. code-block:: python

from geoserver.catalog import Catalog
cat = Catalog("http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/", "admin", "geoserver")

The code below allows you to filter which workspaces to return

.. code-block:: python


You may also specify the workspaces as a proper list

.. code-block:: python

cat.get_workspaces(names=["geosolutions", "topp"])

The code below allows you to filter which stores to return

.. code-block:: python

cat.get_stores(names=["sf", "mosaic"], workspaces=["nurc", "topp", "sf"])

names and workspaces can either be a comma delimited string or a list.
This is true for the get_workspaces, get_stores, get_resources, get_layergroups and get_styles.

The code below allows you to create a FeatureType from a Shapefile

.. code-block:: python

geosolutions = cat.get_workspace("geosolutions")
import geoserver.util
shapefile_plus_sidecars = geoserver.util.shapefile_and_friends("C:/work/geoserver-restconfig/test/data/states")
# shapefile_and_friends should look on the filesystem to find a shapefile
# and related files based on the base path passed in
# shapefile_plus_sidecars == {
#    'shp': 'states.shp',
#    'shx': 'states.shx',
#    'prj': 'states.prj',
#    'dbf': 'states.dbf'
# }
# 'data' is required (there may be a 'schema' alternative later, for creating empty featuretypes)
# 'workspace' is optional (GeoServer's default workspace is used by... default)
# 'name' is required
ft = cat.create_featurestore("test", shapefile_plus_sidecars, geosolutions)

It is possible to create JDBC Virtual Layers too. The code below allow to create a new SQL View called my_jdbc_vt_test defined by a custom sql.

.. code-block:: python

from geoserver.catalog import Catalog
from import JDBCVirtualTable, JDBCVirtualTableGeometry, JDBCVirtualTableParam

cat = Catalog('http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/', 'admin', '****')
store = cat.get_store('postgis-geoserver')
geom = JDBCVirtualTableGeometry('newgeom','LineString','4326')
ft_name = 'my_jdbc_vt_test'
epsg_code = 'EPSG:4326'
sql = 'select ST_MakeLine(wkb_geometry ORDER BY waypoint) As newgeom, assetid, runtime from waypoints group by assetid,runtime'
keyColumn = None
parameters = None

jdbc_vt = JDBCVirtualTable(ft_name, sql, 'false', geom, keyColumn, parameters)
ft = cat.publish_featuretype(ft_name, store, epsg_code, jdbc_virtual_table=jdbc_vt)

This example shows how to easily update a layer property. The same approach may be used with every catalog resource

.. code-block:: python

ne_shaded = cat.get_layer("ne_shaded")

Deleting a store from the catalog requires to purge all the associated layers first. This can be done by doing something like this:

.. code-block:: python

st = cat.get_store("ne_shaded")

There are some functionalities allowing to manage the ImageMosaic coverages. It is possible to create new ImageMosaics, add granules to them,
and also read the coverages metadata, modify the mosaic Dimensions and finally query the mosaic granules and list their properties.

The geoserver-restconfig methods map the REST APIs for ImageMosaic <>_

In order to create a new ImageMosaic layer, you can prepare a zip file containing the properties files for the mosaic configuration. Refer to the GeoTools ImageMosaic Plugin guide
in order to get details on the mosaic configuration. The package contains an already configured zip file with two granules.
You need to update or remove the file before creating the mosaic otherwise you will get an exception.

.. code-block:: python

from geoserver.catalog import Catalog
cat = Catalog("http://localhost:8180/geoserver/rest")
cat.create_imagemosaic("NOAAWW3_NCOMultiGrid_WIND_test", "")

By defualt the cat.create_imagemosaic tries to configure the layer too. If you want to create the store only, you can specify the following parameter

.. code-block:: python

cat.create_imagemosaic("NOAAWW3_NCOMultiGrid_WIND_test", "", "none")

In order to retrieve from the catalog the ImageMosaic coverage store you can do this

.. code-block:: python

store = cat.get_store("NOAAWW3_NCOMultiGrid_WIND_test")

It is possible to add more granules to the mosaic at runtime.
With the following method you can add granules already ...

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12 Jul 10:51
Choose a tag to compare


.. image::

.. note:: geoserver-restconfig is a fork of the old

geoserver-restconfig is a python library for manipulating a GeoServer instance via the GeoServer RESTConfig API.

The project is distributed under a MIT License <LICENSE.txt>_ .


.. code-block:: shell

pip install geoserver-restconfig==1.0

For developers:

.. code-block:: shell

git clone [email protected]:geosolutions-it/geoserver-restconfig.git
cd geoserver-restconfig
python develop

Getting Help

There is a brief manual at .
If you have questions, please ask them on the GeoServer Users mailing list: .

Please use the Github project at for any bug reports (and pull requests are welcome, but please include tests where possible.)

Sample Layer Creation Code

.. code-block:: python

from geoserver.catalog import Catalog
cat = Catalog("http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest")
topp = cat.get_workspace("topp")
shapefile_plus_sidecars = shapefile_and_friends("states")
# shapefile_and_friends should look on the filesystem to find a shapefile
# and related files based on the base path passed in
# shapefile_plus_sidecars == {
#    'shp': 'states.shp',
#    'shx': 'states.shx',
#    'prj': 'states.prj',
#    'dbf': 'states.dbf'
# }

# 'data' is required (there may be a 'schema' alternative later, for creating empty featuretypes)
# 'workspace' is optional (GeoServer's default workspace is used by... default)
# 'name' is required
ft = cat.create_featurestore(name, workspace=topp, data=shapefile_plus_sidecars)

Running Tests

Since the entire purpose of this module is to interact with GeoServer, the test suite is mostly composed of integration tests <>_.
These tests necessarily rely on a running copy of GeoServer, and expect that this GeoServer instance will be using the default data directory that is included with GeoServer.
This data is also included in the GeoServer source repository as /data/release/.
In addition, it is expected that there will be a postgres database available at postgres:password@localhost:5432/db.
You can test connecting to this database with the psql command line client by running $ psql -d db -Upostgres -h localhost -p 5432 (you will be prompted interactively for the password.)

To override the assumed database connection parameters, the following environment variables are supported:


If present, psycopg will be used to verify the database connection prior to running the tests.

If provided, the following environment variables will be used to reset the data directory:

Location of git repository to read the clean data from. If only this option is provided
git clean will be used to reset the data.
Optional location of the data dir geoserver will be running with. If provided, rsync
will be used to reset the data.
Optional environment variable allowing the catalog test cases to automatically download
and start a vanilla GeoServer WAR form the web.
Be sure that there are no running services on HTTP port 8080.

Here are the commands that I use to reset before running the geoserver-restconfig tests:

.. code-block:: shell

$ cd ~/geoserver/src/web/app/
$ PGUSER=postgres dropdb db
$ PGUSER=postgres createdb db -T template_postgis
$ git clean -dxff -- ../../../data/release/
$ git checkout -f
$ MAVEN_OPTS="-XX:PermSize=128M -Xmx1024M" \
GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=../../../data/release \
mvn jetty:run

At this point, GeoServer will be running foregrounded, but it will take a few seconds to actually begin listening for http requests.
You can stop it with CTRL-C (but don't do that until you've run the tests!)
You can run the geoserver-restconfig tests with the following command:

.. code-block:: shell

$ python test

Instead of restarting GeoServer after each run to reset the data, the following should allow re-running the tests:

.. code-block:: shell

$ git clean -dxff -- ../../../data/release/
$ curl -XPOST --user admin:geoserver http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/reload

More Examples - Updated for GeoServer 2.4+

Loading the GeoServer catalog using geoserver-restconfig is quite easy. The example below allows you to connect to GeoServer by specifying custom credentials.

.. code-block:: python

from geoserver.catalog import Catalog
cat = Catalog("http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/", "admin", "geoserver")

The code below allows you to filter which workspaces to return

.. code-block:: python


You may also specify the workspaces as a proper list

.. code-block:: python

cat.get_workspaces(names=["geosolutions", "topp"])

The code below allows you to filter which stores to return

.. code-block:: python

cat.get_stores(names=["sf", "mosaic"], workspaces=["nurc", "topp", "sf"])

names and workspaces can either be a comma delimited string or a list.
This is true for the get_workspaces, get_stores, get_resources, get_layergroups and get_styles.

The code below allows you to create a FeatureType from a Shapefile

.. code-block:: python

geosolutions = cat.get_workspace("geosolutions")
import geoserver.util
shapefile_plus_sidecars = geoserver.util.shapefile_and_friends("C:/work/geoserver-restconfig/test/data/states")
# shapefile_and_friends should look on the filesystem to find a shapefile
# and related files based on the base path passed in
# shapefile_plus_sidecars == {
#    'shp': 'states.shp',
#    'shx': 'states.shx',
#    'prj': 'states.prj',
#    'dbf': 'states.dbf'
# }
# 'data' is required (there may be a 'schema' alternative later, for creating empty featuretypes)
# 'workspace' is optional (GeoServer's default workspace is used by... default)
# 'name' is required
ft = cat.create_featurestore("test", shapefile_plus_sidecars, geosolutions)

It is possible to create JDBC Virtual Layers too. The code below allow to create a new SQL View called my_jdbc_vt_test defined by a custom sql.

.. code-block:: python

from geoserver.catalog import Catalog
from import JDBCVirtualTable, JDBCVirtualTableGeometry, JDBCVirtualTableParam

cat = Catalog('http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/', 'admin', '****')
store = cat.get_store('postgis-geoserver')
geom = JDBCVirtualTableGeometry('newgeom','LineString','4326')
ft_name = 'my_jdbc_vt_test'
epsg_code = 'EPSG:4326'
sql = 'select ST_MakeLine(wkb_geometry ORDER BY waypoint) As newgeom, assetid, runtime from waypoints group by assetid,runtime'
keyColumn = None
parameters = None

jdbc_vt = JDBCVirtualTable(ft_name, sql, 'false', geom, keyColumn, parameters)
ft = cat.publish_featuretype(ft_name, store, epsg_code, jdbc_virtual_table=jdbc_vt)

This example shows how to easily update a layer property. The same approach may be used with every catalog resource

.. code-block:: python

ne_shaded = cat.get_layer("ne_shaded")

Deleting a store from the catalog requires to purge all the associated layers first. This can be done by doing something like this:

.. code-block:: python

st = cat.get_store("ne_shaded")

There are some functionalities allowing to manage the ImageMosaic coverages. It is possible to create new ImageMosaics, add granules to them,
and also read the coverages metadata, modify the mosaic Dimensions and finally query the mosaic granules and list their properties.

The geoserver-restconfig methods map the REST APIs for ImageMosaic <>_

In order to create a new ImageMosaic layer, you can prepare a zip file containing the properties files for the mosaic configuration. Refer to the GeoTools ImageMosaic Plugin guide
in order to get details on the mosaic configuration. The package contains an already configured zip file with two granules.
You need to update or remove the file before creating the mosaic otherwise you will get an exception.

.. code-block:: python

from geoserver.catalog import Catalog
cat = Catalog("http://localhost:8180/geoserver/rest")
cat.create_imagemosaic("NOAAWW3_NCOMultiGrid_WIND_test", "")

By defualt the cat.create_imagemosaic tries to configure the layer too. If you want to create the store only, you can specify the following parameter

.. code-block:: python

cat.create_imagemosaic("NOAAWW3_NCOMultiGrid_WIND_test", "", "none")

In order to retrieve from the catalog the ImageMosaic coverage store you can do this

.. code-block:: python

store = cat.get_store("NOAAWW3_NCOMultiGrid_WIND_test")

It is possible to add more granules to the mosaic at runtime.
With the following method you can add granules already pr...

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