olap performance compare between tidb and impala
50G data generated by tpcds kit:
use /scripts/tidb.sql for tidb
use /scripts/impala.sql for impala
use sqls under /quries-tidb for tidb
use sqls under /quries-impala for impala
the original sqls are from cloudera project: https://github.com/cloudera/impala-tpcds-kit
i changed some of them to fit tidb
so the sqls are not exactly same in two folders, but the logic and results are same
thats because 'with clause' process are quite diff in tidb and impala
in impala, 'with clause' is just a grammar sugar, it is directly replaced into the alias referred place
in tidb, 'with clause' is a cte, and will clone data to mem as a temp table
there are some unsupported queries in impala 3.2.0
I put them in /unsupport_queries, I didnt try if tidb support them