An application that collects several methods of calculating falak (astronomy) for the purposes of Muslim worship with material design 3.
An application that collects several methods of calculating falak (astronomy) for the purposes of Muslim worship with material design 3.
- Model JPL DE405 & IAARAS EPM2021 Planetary theory
- Calculate the beginning of prayer times
- Calculate the beginning of the hijri month
- Tahwil tarikh (Gregorian-Hijriyah date conversion)
- Tahwil julian day (Convert Julian day to AD/Hijriyah)
- Hilal visibility graph
- Commemoration of the dead (Selamatan meninggal)
- Missed prayers (Qodho sholat)
- Moon phases
- Solar eclipse
- Lunar eclipse
- Ephemeris Table
- Imsakiyah Schedule
- Calendar Sync
- Tasbih
- 99% Kotlin 1% Java language
- MVVM pattern
- ViewBinding
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- Kotlin coroutines
- SharedPreferences
- Preferences DataStore
- Combine XML with Jetpack Compose
Kanzul Falak
Copyright (C) 2023-2025 Andi Hasan Ashari
GNU General Public License v3.0 but still close source