This bot analyze crypto market using Binance for token and alert using Voice or WhatsApp message. Here we are using CCXT CryptoCurrency eXchange Trading Library for connecting to the Binance server and sending alert using Speech to text libraries and WhatsApp API using Twilio API.
- Python 3.0: Get Python 3.0 and setup in your machine.
- Binance Account: Click here to register.
- Twilio Account: Click here to register.
- Twilio WhatsApp API: You need to configure Sandbox API for WhatsApp from here and after configuring them you can recieve and send messages from their API.
- CCXT CryptoCurrency eXchange Trading Library : Or use
pip install ccxt
- Pyttsx3 Python speech-to-text library: use
pip install pyttsx3
NOTE: This BOT and VIDEO is for Educational Purpose only and learning how to integrate Binance and other API's like Twilio.
In order to run bot you need to configure it as per your requirements.
Go to file
and change parameters as per required.
Binance Authentication change following line:
api_key = "" #Binance API Key here.
secret_key = "" #Binance Secret Key here.#
Twilio Authentication change following line:
account_sid = "" #Twilio Account SID here.
auth_token = "" #Twilio Auth token here.
from_contact = "" #Twilio From Contact here.
to_contact = "" #Twilio To Contact here.
To set your token change following line:
_quote_curr:str = "LUNA" #Symbol select.
_base_curr:str = "BUSD" #Currency select.
To Change bot alert type to 'Voice' or 'Text Message' change following line:
bot_alert_type = "voice"
or bot_alert_type = "message"
To Change candle timestamps change following line:
candle_timestamp = candle_timestamps[1] #For 3 Min candle timestamp.
- Market Analyzer: Bot analyze the market in certain candle sticks which is customisable and efficient.
- Alert Type: Bot alert using Voice and Text messages mode.
- API Integration: CCXT is very fast and reliable library for Binance and other cyrpto exchanges.
- Cyprto Exchanges : All of the crypto exchanges supported by ccxt.
- Easy Config : Bot is easy to configure and customisable for other exchanges using ccxt.
written and maintained by Haseeb Mir ([email protected])