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Releases: hashicorp/packer


10 Mar 00:30
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nightly Pre-release

Nightly releases are snapshots of the development activity on the Packer project that may include new features and bug fixes scheduled for upcoming releases. These releases are made available to make it easier for users to test their existing build configurations against the latest Packer code base for potential issues or to experiment with new features, with a chance to provide feedback on ways to improve the changes before being released.

As these releases are snapshots of the latest code, you may encounter an issue compared to the latest stable release. Users are encouraged to run nightly releases in a non production environment. If you encounter an issue, please check our issue tracker to see if the issue has already been reported; if a report hasn't been made, please report it so we can review the issue and make any needed fixes.

Note: Nightly releases are only available via GitHub Releases, and artifacts are not codesigned or notarized. Distribution via other Release Channels such as the Releases Site or Homebrew is not yet supported.


22 Jan 17:05
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1.12.0 (January 22, 2025)


  • core: add support for a DAG-based evaluation on locals and datasources.
    A long-standing odditiy of Packer has been the order of evaluation for
    locals and data sources. In previous versions of Packer, the
    data sources were evaluated first, then the local variables were, making
    it impossible to have a datasource that referenced a local variable as
    part of its configuration.
    This change introduces a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) to evaluate those
    resources, instead of the phased approach of old, which makes the order
    of evaluation not dependent on the type of resource, but instead of the
    detected dependencies between them.
    Note: While we are confident this should be robust enough for general
    use, we do recognise that it is possible some users might encounter issues.
    To give those users a way to continue using the old evaluation method, we
    introduced a -use-sequential-evaluation command-line flag to the build,
    validate, console and inspect subcommands, to force using the sequential
    evaluation approach for those entities.

  • core/hcp: support for uploading SBOMs to HCP Packer.
    Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) are a standardised way to export the various
    software packages linked to an artifact. As some users have expressed a
    need to produce and access those for images they build, we now add the
    feature to Packer itself.
    While the generation of the SBOM itself is not done directly by
    Packer, instead we recommend using known scanners to produce them, we add
    the capacity to upload this SBOM file to HCP Packer, and link it to a
    build artifact.

  • core: support for alternate serialisation formats for plugin communication.
    Packer relies on plugins to do most of the actual workload related to
    building and provisioing artifacts, while Packer is mostly an orchestrator
    for those plugins to perform their work.
    This separation of concerns implies that both entities have to
    communicate on multiple occasions during the course of a build.
    Before v1.12.0 of Packer, and v0.6.0 of the plugin SDK, we used Gob to
    do most of the serialisation for those steps.
    This is however a bit of a problem recently, as go-cty, the library we
    use for dynamic objects lifted from HCL templates, dropped support for
    this a while back.
    Therefore now, we introduce an alternative: protobuf/msgpack, which are
    both usable and maintained by the projects around Packer, so we can begin
    our transition away from gob with this change.
    Note: as with the introduction of the DAG for locals/datasources, this
    is a feature that we are reasonably confident you will not encounter bugs
    with, however we cannot rule-out this possibility, therefore we introduce
    a new environment variable: PACKER_FORCE_GOB, which if set to '1', forces
    the use of Gob instead of protobuf/msgpack.


  • hcl2/json: add aws_secretsmanager_raw funcion.
    When using the AWS secretsmanager function with a non-text secret, one could
    only get a secret once at a time.
    This could get cumbersome if wanting to get multiple through one request,
    which led people to encode their JSON/Object secrets as a big base64
    encoded string that they could get once, and then manipulate through JSON
    While the workaround works, it is one extra layer of manipulations to do so,
    therefore a new function to always get the raw textual version of a secret
    is now added to Packer.
  • hcl2: add alltrue and anytrue functions.
    As with Terraform, Packer now supports the HCL functions alltrue and
    anytrue, which returns whether or not a collection only consists of
    true values, or if any is.
  • hcl2: add strcontains function.
    As with Terraform, Packer now supports the HCL function strcontains,
    which returns whether or not a string contains a substring within it.
  • datasource/http: Support other methods than GET.
    The HTTP datasource used to always use GET requests for getting data
    from a remote HTTP server, which was not always enough since some endpoints
    may only support other methods. This change allows for most of the HTTP
    methods to perform those requests.
  • hcl2: add base64gzip function.
    In some cases, small blobs may need to be kept in memory, and injected in
    a template somewhere else, but if the blob needs to be minimised, the
    base64gzip function can be invoked to compress the blob and expose it
    as a valid HCL2 string for use later.


  • hcl2: Fix duplicate error messages on top-level HCL violations.
    A parsing quirk for HCL templates caused Packer to produce the same parsing
    error multiple times if the error was caused by a top-level violation.
  • build: Include LC_UUID in Darwin binaries.
    A change in how Apple authorises a plugin to access the network caused
    Packer to break on recent (14.7 and above) macOS versions, as Packer uses
    the local network to communicate with plugins.
    The fix is to include an additional UUID into the metadata of the produced
    binary, so it is authorised by macOS to use the local network, which prompts
    an update to the version of Go used for building Packer (1.22.9), as it is
    when this addition is supported by an LDFLAG.
  • hcl2: Don't error on empty bucker slug.
    As reported by members of our community, using a hcp_packer_registry
    block without a bucket slug, even if provided by external means, would cause
    Packer to fail with an invalid bucket slug error. This is most definitely
    a bug, which is addressed in this release.
  • hcp: fix bug when trying to extract HEAD SHA from empty Git repo.



  • docs: fix UUIDv4 example. A community user has found discrepancies in the
    UUIDv4 examples which were used in our docs, as they do not match the
  • hcl2: fix slice initialisation method during variable evaluation phase.


22 Aug 18:53
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v1.12.0-alpha1 Pre-release
version: cut packer 1.12.0-alpha1


30 Jul 15:17
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1.11.2 (July 30, 2024)


  • core/hcp: export Packer options, OS, CI and VCS metadata for a build.
    Following up on the introduction of metadata for builds in Packer 1.11.0,
    this version introduces more metadata. In addition to the version of Packer
    core, and the plugins used, we now capture CI-specific environment variables
    (gitlab-ci and github-actions for now), Git-specific information, OS details
    like architecture and kernel version, and the command-line options passed
    to packer build.


01 Jul 15:45
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1.11.1 (July 1, 2024)


  • Future Scaffolding: This release contains additional changes that allow
    Packer core to validate access a HCP Packer bucket before trying to
    publish to it. If the bucket does not exist and the associated service
    principle does not have permission to create the bucket Packer will fail
    the build.GH-13059



  • core/hcl2: The issue is that local variables in templates are evaluated in a
    non-deterministic order, leading to inconsistent behavior. To fix this,
    local variables will now build a list of direct dependencies, similar to
    datasources, and evaluate these dependencies recursively. A caveat is that
    there's a recursion cap of 10 to prevent infinite recursion; if this limit
    is reached, an error is returned, prompting the user to fix their template.
  • core: bump from 0.96.0 to 0.99.0
  • core: bump from 0.5.3 to 0.5.4


  • core/hcp: Change UpsertBucket to call GetBucket to address unauthorized error
    from ustream API.


31 May 18:59
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1.11.0 (2024-05-31)


  • A LICENSE.txt file has been added to the Packer release artifacts.

  • Breaking Change: Support for loading single-component plugins has been removed from Packer. GH-12785

  • Breaking Change: Support for loading plugin binaries following
    the naming convention of packer-plugin-name has been dropped. Packer will now only load
    plugins stored under the Packer plugin directory using the expected namespaced
    directory and CHECKSUM files. This change drops support for loading plugin
    binaries in Packer's executable directory or a template's current working
    directory. GH-12828

    └── hashicorp
        └── happycloud
            ├── packer-plugin-happycloud_v0.0.1_x5.0_darwin_arm64
            └── packer-plugin-happycloud_v0.0.1_x5.0_darwin_arm64_SHA256SUM


  • core: Add -ignore-prerelease-plugins flag to disable the use of development
    plugin binaries for the build and validate commands development plugin
    binaries. GH-12828
  • Packer users can now track Packer version and plugin versions used for each
    build artifact in HCP Packer.
  • hcl2: add textencodebase64 and textdecodebase64 funcs
    For feature parity with Terraform, and since having access to strings
    encoded in something that is not UTF-8 is required in some cases, we add
    both the textencodebase64 and textdecodebase64 functions to HCL2 templates.
    Please note these functions return base64 encoded byte slices because of how
    cty/hcl defines strings (NFC normalised, UTF-8 encoded).



  • core: Bump from 0.90.0 to 0.96.0.
  • core: Bump from 0.5.2 to 0.5.3
  • core: Bump go-getter/v2 from 2.2.1 to v2.2.2
  • datasource/http: don't error on 2xx code
    Previous versions of Packer only supported 200 as a success case for the http
    datasource. This change makes any status code from 200 to 299 successful.
  • core: Move to predictable plugin loading schema - Packer will now only load
    plugins stored under the Packer plugin directory using the expected namespaced
    directory and CHECKSUM files.
  • core: Remove support loading single-component plugins.
  • core: Rename internal packer plugin command to packer execute to avoid user confusion with
    the plugins subcommand.
  • core: Packer now considers development binaries when evaluating plugin
    version constraints. This work allows users to use binaries with versions
    reported as "x.y.z-dev" to be used with the Packer required_plugins
    block. GH-12828
  • core: Packer now supports local paths to plugins for the packer plugins remove
    command. This addition makes it possible to pipe commands like
    packer plugins installed with it for speedy cleanup of installed plugins.
  • core: Relax Packer source address URIs within the required_plugins block to
    support the installation of local plugin binary using a custom or internal
    source address (e.g. Remote
    installation using packer init or packer plugins install does not
    support non-GitHub source URIs. Users using alternative hosts must
    install plugins manually using packer plugins install --path.
    GH-12911, [GH-12962] (#12962)
  • core: Remote plugins installed containing an internal version number that
    differs from the version number within the binary name can lead to
    confusion when tracking Packer plugin version information. To help track
    such discrepancies in the plugin version, packer init and packer plugin install have been updated to reject installation of such plugins.
    1.0.0-dev). Users are encouraged to notify plugin maintainers of any
    version mismatches.
    GH-12915, GH-12953, GH-12972
  • core: don't load plugins with metadata in name
    To avoid confusion with multiple plugins that report the same effective version,
    plugins installed need to have no metadata in their name.
    When installed through Packer commands, the metadata is scrubbed from the name of the
    installed plugin binary, but manually it may still be possible, so we enforce
    that scrubbing at load-time as well.
  • core: Error when multiple paths are specified for PACKER_PLUGIN_PATH
    Since Packer 1.11 removed the capability for PACKER_PLUGIN_PATH to specify
    multiple directories separated by : or ; (depending on the platform), we
    are explicitly erroring when this is discovered, with suggestions as to how
    to fix the problem.
  • core: Version metadata support for plugins. Plugins may now formally have metadata
    in their versions, Packer supports it, and applies the semver recommendations on
    them, i.e. they are ignored for comparison/sorting purposes, but allowed for
    adding extra information about a plugin.

Given the specified version constraint only versions greater than or equal to 1.1.0 will be considered.

amazon = {
  source = ""
  version = ">= 1.1.0"

If a development binary is installed, Packer will use it if:

  1. It is the highest compatible version installed.
  2. There is no final plugin version with the same version number installed alongside it.
   └─ hashicorp
    	└── amazon
          ├── packer-plugin-amazon_v1.1.0_x5.0_darwin_arm64
          ├── packer-plugin-amazon_v1.1.0_x5.0_darwin_arm64_SHA256SUM
          ├── packer-plugin-amazon_v1.1.1-dev_x5.0_darwin_arm64
          └── packer-plugin-amazon_v1.1.1-dev_x5.0_darwin_arm64_SHA256SUM

Version 1.1.1-dev of the Amazon plugin will match the specified version constraint and be used for executing the Packer build.

If, however, a 1.1.1 release version of the plugin is available, it will have precedence over the development binary.

   └─ hashicorp
    	└── amazon
          ├── packer-plugin-amazon_v1.1.1-dev_x5.0_darwin_arm64
          ├── packer-plugin-amazon_v1.1.1-dev_x5.0_darwin_arm64_SHA256SUM
          ├── packer-plugin-amazon_v1.1.1_x5.0_darwin_arm64
          └── packer-plugin-amazon_v1.1.1_x5.0_darwin_arm64_SHA256SUM


  • core: fix plugin version ordering to not be lexicographic. This fixes an issue
    with how plugins are discovered by Packer, and ensures proper version ordering.
    This means that with this change, versions that are semantically greater,
    but lexicographically inferior will be loaded.
    Ex: 1.0.9 vs. 1.0.10; 1.0.9 > 1.0.10 lexicographically, but semantically
    1.0.10 > 1.0.9
  • core/hcp: fix potential race condition when storing plugin details to the HCP
    Packer metadata storage map.
  • core: fix plugin listing on Windows
    This fix addresses bugs present in the alpha releases of 1.11, where
    the discovery of Windows binaries were not matching against the
    filename extension (.exe).


16 May 19:00
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v1.11.0-beta Pre-release
version: tag version as 1.11.0-beta


22 Apr 19:13
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1.10.3 (April 22, 2024)


  • A LICENSE.txt file has been added to the Packer release artifacts.




  • cmd/fmt: Display information error when Packer fmt fails due to HCL2
    parsing error. GH-12870


26 Mar 18:05
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v1.11.0-alpha2 Pre-release
version: bump to v1.11.0-alpha2


12 Mar 14:36
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v1.11.0-alpha Pre-release
Bump to address CVE-2024-28180