SpeedySpeech [Paper link]
While recent neural sequence-to-sequence models have greatly improved the quality of speech synthesis, there has not been a system capable of fast training, fast inference and high-quality audio synthesis at the same time. We propose a student-teacher network capable of high-quality faster-than-real-time spectrogram synthesis, with low requirements on computational resources and fast training time. We show that self-attention layers are not necessary for generation of high quality audio. We utilize simple convolutional blocks with residual connections in both student and teacher networks and use only a single attention layer in the teacher model. Coupled with a MelGAN vocoder, our model's voice quality was rated significantly higher than Tacotron2. Our model can be efficiently trained on a single GPU and can run in real time even on a CPU.
Listen to our audio samples here.
The code was tested with python 3.7.3
, cuda 10.0.130
and GNU bash 5.0.3
on Ubuntu 19.04.
git clone https://github.com/janvainer/speedyspeech.git
cd speedyspeech
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
1. Download pretrained MelGAN checkpoint
wget -O checkpoints/melgan.pth \
2. Download pretrained SpeedySpeech checkpoint from the latest release.
wget -O checkpoints/speedyspeech.pth \
3. Run inference
mkdir synthesized_audio
printf "One sentence. \nAnother sentence.\n" | python code/inference.py --audio_folder synthesized_audio
The model treats each line of input as an item in a batch. To specify different checkpoints, what device to run on etc. use the following:
printf "One sentence. \nAnother sentence.\n" | python code/inference.py \
--speedyspeech_checkpoint <speedyspeech_checkpoint> \
--melgan_checkpoint <melgan_checkpoint> \
--audio_folder synthesized_audio \
--device cuda
Files wil be added to the audio folder. The model does not handle numbers. please write everything in words.
The list of allowed symbols is specified in code/hparam.py
4. Run inference server
- Place SpeedySpeech and MelGAN checkpoints in the
And run the following commands. You should be able to open a simple webpage where you can try to synthesize custom sentences.
cd code
python server/app.py # go to
python server/app.py --help
usage: app.py [-h] [--speedyspeech_checkpoint SPEEDYSPEECH_CHECKPOINT]
[--melgan_checkpoint MELGAN_CHECKPOINT] [--device DEVICE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--speedyspeech_checkpoint SPEEDYSPEECH_CHECKPOINT
Checkpoint file for speedyspeech model
--melgan_checkpoint MELGAN_CHECKPOINT
Checkpoint file for MelGan.
--device DEVICE What device to use.
To train speedyspeech, durations of phonemes are needed.
1. Download the LJSpeech dataset and unzip into datasets/data/LJSpeech-1.1
wget -O code/datasets/data/LJSpeech-1.1.tar.bz2 \
tar xjf code/datasets/data/LJSpeech-1.1.tar.bz2 -C code/datasets/data/
2. Train the duration extraction model
python code/duration_extractor.py -h # display options
python code/duration_extractor.py \
--some_option value
tensorboard --logdir=logs
3. Extract durations from the trained model - creates alignments.txt file in the LJSpeech-1.1 folder
python code/extract_durations.py logs/your_checkpoint code/datasets/data/LJSpeech-1.1 \
--durations_filename my_durations.txt
4. Train SpeedySpeech
python code/speedyspeech.py -h
python code/speedyspeech.py \
--durations_filename my_durations.txt
tensorboard --logdir=logs2
This code is published under the BSD 3-Clause License.
- MelGAN by Seungwon Park (BSD 3-Clause License)code/utils/stft.py
- torch-stft by Prem Seetharaman (BSD 3-Clause License)code/pytorch_ssim
- pytorch-ssim by Po-Hsun-Su (MIT)