Due to this announcement https://stormpath.com/blog/stormpaths-new-path
this project is no longer maintain
Go SDK for the Stormpath API
go get github.com/jarias/stormpath-sdk-go
import "github.com/jarias/stormpath-sdk-go"
import "fmt"
//Load the configuration according to the StormPath framework spec
//See: https://github.com/stormpath/stormpath-sdk-spec/blob/master/specifications/config.md
clientConfig, err := stormpath.LoadConfiguration()
if err != nil {
stormpath.Logger.Panicf("[ERROR] Couldn't load Stormpath client configuration: %s", err)
//Init the client with the loaded config and no specific cache,
//note that if the cache is enabled via config the default local cache would be used
stormpath.Init(clientConfig, nil)
//Get the current tenant
tenant, _ := stormpath.CurrentTenant()
//Get the tenat applications
apps, _ := tenant.GetApplications(stormpath.MakeApplicationCriteria().NameEq("test app"))
//Get the first application
app := apps.Items[0]
//Authenticate a user against the app
account, _ := app.AuthenticateAccount("username", "password")
See web/example/example.go
- Cache with a sample local in-memory implementation
- Almost 100% of the Stormpath API implemented
- Load credentials via properties file or env variables
- Load client configuration according to Stormpath framework spec
- Requests are authenticated via Stormpath SAuthc1 algorithm only
- Web extension according to the Stormpath Spec
If you need to trace all requests done to stormpath you can enable debugging in the logs by setting the environment variable STORMPATH_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG the default level is ERROR.
Pull request are more than welcome, please follow this sample workflow, make sure you work out of the develop branch.
- Fork
- Clone
git clone YOUR_USERNAME/stormpath-sdk-go
- Checkout develop branch
git checkout -t origin/develop
- Create a feature branch
git checkout -b YOUR_FEATURE_OR_BUG_FIX
- Create a PR to jarias/develop
hub pull-request -b jarias/stormpath-sdk-go:develop
Please make sure you add tests ;)
Development requirements:
- Go 1.7+
- Testify
go get github.com/stretchr/testify/assert
- An Stormpath account (for integration testing)
Running the test suite
Env variables:
go test . -cover -covermode=atomic
I'm aiming at 85% test coverage not yet met but thats the goal.
Copyright 2014, 2015, 2016 Julio Arias
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.