pigePy is a python script whose purpose is to record one audio stream per segment.
I wrote this script voluntarily for Radio Quetsch.
First you need clone the project
git clone https://github.com/jee-r/pigePy.git
cd pigePy
python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
version: '3'
image: pigepy:latest
container_name: pigepy
context: .
- TZ=Europe/Paris
- storagebox_pige:/data
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
command: >
--stream https://my_radio.eu/stream.mp3
--base-path /data/
--interval "{'minutes': 1}"
--file-format "%Y-%m-%d_%Hh-%Mm-%Ss"
--directory-format "%Y-%m"
--timezone Europe/Paris
--chunk-size 512
--log-level info
--healthcheck-url https://healthcheck.io/ping/example_token
--heathcheck-interval "{'minutes': 10}"
driver: rclone
remote: 'storagebox_pige:'
allow_other: 'true'
vfs_cache_mode: full
poll_interval: 0
For more details about Rclone Docker Volume Plugin see rclone official doc
usage: pigepy [-h] --stream STREAM --base-path BASEPATH [--directory-format DIRECTORYFORMAT]
[--file-format FILENAMEFORMAT] [--no-subdir] [--prune] [--prune-retention PRUNERETENTION]
[--prune-interval PRUNEINTERVAL] [--interval INTERVAL] [--align-hour] [--align-minute]
[--directory-delta DIRECTORYDELTA] [--timezone SCHEDULERTIMEZONE] [--chunk-size CHUNKSIZE]
[--healthcheck-url HEALTHCHECKURL] [--heathcheck-interval HEALTHCHECKINTERVAL] [--log-level LOGLEVEL]
PigePy is a script for recording audio stream
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--stream STREAM, -s STREAM
specify a stream url
--base-path BASEPATH, -b BASEPATH
Base destination directory absolute path.
sub directories structure in strftime format (default: "%Y/%m/%d")
filename format can contain strftime format (default: "%Hh-%Mm-%Ss")
--no-subdir, -ns Don't Create a subdir based on directory format
--prune Remove old files and directories in days (default: False)
--prune-retention PRUNERETENTION, --retention PRUNERETENTION
prune retention (aka how many files keep) in kwargs format (default: {"days": 90})
--prune-interval PRUNEINTERVAL
prune interval in kwargs format {"days": int, "hours": int, "minutes": int} (default:
{"days": 1})
--interval INTERVAL, -i INTERVAL
Audio files length kwargs format (default: {"minutes": 60})
--align-hour automatcally align next record to hour hh:00:00
--align-minute automatcally align next record to hour hh:mm:00
directory creating delta, kwargs format (default: {"days": 1})
APScheduler timezone (default: utc)
--chunk-size CHUNKSIZE, -cz CHUNKSIZE
How much data in octet will be stored in memory before it's write in the file. Must an
integer multiple of 1024 eg 1024*512 = 0.5Mo (default: 1024 = 1Mo)
--healthcheck-url HEALTHCHECKURL
Provide a healthcheck url to enable healthcheck monitoring (see https://healthchecks.io/ for
more infos default: False)
--heathcheck-interval HEALTHCHECKINTERVAL
healthcheck interval (aka ping interval) kwargs format (default: {"minutes": 10})
--log-level LOGLEVEL Set loggin output level (possible values DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,CRITICAL default: INFO)
- The --directory-format (-df) argument allows you to specify the subdirectory structure using the strftime format. However, it does not support the use of the same format specifier multiple times. For example, if the directory format is set to "%Y/%m/%d", the --file-format (-ff) argument cannotinclude the format specifiers %Y, %m, or %d. Ensure that the file format does not contain the same format specifiers as the directory format to avoid conflicts and unintended behavior.
- healthcheck for each task
- start next record at precise time eg : if script start at 11h43 then next scheduled record should be started at 12h00 instead at 12h43
- Dockerfile and docker-compose
- github CI
This project is under the GNU Generic Public License v3 to allow free use while ensuring it stays open.