A Content Commerce technology demo that shows how to create a TYPO3 Neos based website with eCommerce functionalities using the SPHERE.IO hosted E-Commerce-API.
You can give it a try at our Live Demo.
First go to the SPHERE.IO Merchant Center and create a test project (agree to insert test data). Make sure to put down your API credentials somewhere because you will need them when connecting SPHERE.IO to TYPO3 Neos.
- Virtualbox installed download or
brew install brew-cask
andbrew tap caskroom/cask
andbrew cask install virtualbox
- Vagrant installed download or
brew cask install vagrant vagrant-manager
- an SSH shell (Mac OS built-in or the phpStorm integrated one)
(If you would like to use the brew
method, install Homebrew first - it's a package manager for Mac OSX.)
- Install the vagrant plugin hostsupdater for automatically managing the hosts file with vagrant
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
- Clone this repository into an empty directory
git clone https://github.com/ct-jensschulze/sphere-neos-demo
- Switch to the project folder
cd sphere-neos-demo
- Download composer if not installed on system
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
- Install required packages with composer
php composer.phar install -o --ignore-platform-reqs
or with composer installed justcomposer install -o --ignore-platform-reqs
- Add SPHERE.IO credentials to
- start the vagrant box
vagrant up --provider=virtualbox
- login to the vagrant box using
vagrant ssh
and run the setup script/var/www/sphere-neos-demo/setup-vagrant.sh
The Frontend is located at
- http://sphere-neos-demo.vm/ (try Safari or Firefox if Chrome's aggressive DNS caching makes the site not show up)
The Backend is located at
User: admin
Password: password
For development enable synchronization between your working directory and the VM using vagrant rsync-auto
- move sphere-php-sdk dependency to Neos.Sphere package composer.json