CPSC 351 Programming Assignment 2
Canyon Schwartz - Section 03 13681 [email protected]
Julian Coronado - Section 03 13681 [email protected]
William Clemons - Section 03 13681 [email protected]
Nathan Nhek - Section 03 13681 [email protected]
Language Used: C++
How to execute the program:
1. unzip the files on a linux machine by typing "tar -xvf '351-Assignment2-nnhek.tar'
2. cd into the newly unzipped file directory '351-Assignment2-nnhek'
3. type "make" into the command line to automatically compile the Memory Simulator
4. to run the program, type ./memsimulator
5. to see the result of the program, type cat outfile.txt
6. to run the program again with different inputs, repeat step 4
Canyon Schwartz - Implemented algorithm, design documentation quality assurance, planned design of program, and implemented pseudocode
Nathan Nhek - Pseudocode, Class diagram, planned structure of program, and quality assurance of program
William Clemons - Planned structure of program and Implement pseudocode
Julian Coronado - Implemented algorithms
NOTE: If when running the program memsimulator, only the input queue appears, please repeat steps 3 and 4 listed above. This is a known bug with an unknown fix as of yet.