- ✅ Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Y. Bhargava
- 🟧 Data Structures & Algorithms in Kotlin by Irina Galata (Author), Matei Suica (Author)
- Chapter 1
- Binary Search
- loop binary search
- recursive binary search
- Binary Search
- Chapter 2
- Selection sort
- loop selection sort
- recursive selection sort
- Selection sort
- Chapter 3
- Recursion
- logger
- factorial
- matrix size
- maximum number
- matrix summation
- Recursion
- Chapter 4
- Quick sort
- loop quick sort
- recursive quick sort
- Quick sort
- Chapter 5
- Hash Tables
- checkVoter
- check categories prices
- cachedSites
- Hash Tables
- Chapter 6
- Breadth first search
- shortest path problem
- Breadth first search
- Chapter 7
- Dijkstra Algorithm
- shortest path with minimum cost problem
- Dijkstra Algorithm
- Chapter 8
- Greedy Algorithm
- covering stations problem
- Greedy Algorithm
- Chapter 9
- Dynamic programming
- longest common substring
- longest common subsequence
- knapsack problem
- Dynamic programming
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 1
- Kotlin Standard Library
- Null safety
- Generic
- Standard functions
- let
- run
- also
- apply
- Map
- Kotlin Standard Library
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Linked List
- Reverse a linked list challenge
- The item in the middle challenge
- Reverse a linked list challenge
- Merging two linked lists challenge
- Linked List
- Chapter 4
- Stack
- Reverse a linked list challenge
- the parentheses validation
- Stack
- Chapter 5