Ancestry is a gem that allows rails ActiveRecord models to be organized as a tree structure (or hierarchy). It employs the materialized path pattern which allows operations to be performed efficiently.
There are a few common ways of storing hierarchical data in a database: materialized path, closure tree table, adjacency lists, nested sets, and adjacency list with recursive queries.
- Store hierarchy in an easy to understand format. (e.g.:
) - Store hierarchy in the original table with no additional tables.
- Single SQL queries for relations (
) - Single query for creating records.
- Moving/deleting nodes only affect child nodes (rather than updating all nodes in the tree)
- relations are implemented as
support- Arrangement of subtrees into hashes
- Multiple strategies for querying materialized_path
- Multiple strategies for dealing with orphaned records
- depth caching
- depth constraints
- counter caches
- Multiple strategies for moving nodes
- Easy migration from
based gems - Integrity checking
- Integrity restoration
- Most queries use indexes on
column. (e.g.:LIKE '#{ancestry}/%'
Since a Btree index has a limitation of 2704 characters for the ancestry
the maximum depth of an ancestry tree is 900 items at most. If ids are 4 digits long,
then the max depth is 540 items.
When using STI
all classes are returned from the scopes unless you specify otherwise using where(:type => "ChildClass")
- Ancestry 2.x supports Rails 4.1 and earlier
- Ancestry 3.x supports Rails 4.2 and 5.0
- Ancestry 4.x supports Rails 5.2 through 7.0
- Ancestry 5.0 supports Rails 6.0 and higher
Rails 5.2 withupdate_strategy=ruby
is still being tested in 5.0.
Follow these steps to apply Ancestry to any ActiveRecord model:
# Gemfile
gem 'ancestry'
$ bundle install
$ rails g migration add_[ancestry]_to_[table] ancestry:string:index
class AddAncestryToTable < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
def change
change_table(:table) do |t|
# postgres
t.string "ancestry", collation: 'C', null: false
t.index "ancestry"
# mysql
t.string "ancestry", collation: 'utf8mb4_bin', null: false
t.index "ancestry"
There are additional options for the columns in Ancestry Database Column and
an explanation for opclass
and collation
$ rake db:migrate
# config/initializers/ancestry.rb
# use the newer format
Ancestry.default_ancestry_format = :materialized_path2
# Ancestry.default_update_strategy = :sql
# app/models/[model.rb]
class [Model] < ActiveRecord::Base
Your model is now a tree!
You can use parent_id
and parent
to add a node into a tree. They can be
set as attributes or passed into methods like new
, create
, and update
TreeNode.create! :name => 'Stinky', :parent => TreeNode.create!(:name => 'Squeeky')
Children can be created through the children relation on a node: node.children.create :name => 'Stinky'
The node with the large border is the reference node (the node from which the navigation method is invoked.) The yellow nodes are those returned by the method.
parent | root1 | ancestors |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
nil for a root node | self for a root node | root..parent |
parent_id |
root_id |
ancestor_ids |
has_parent? |
is_root? |
ancestors? |
parent_of? |
root_of? |
ancestor_of? |
children | descendants | indirects |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
child_ids |
descendant_ids |
indirect_ids |
has_children? |
child_of? |
descendant_of? |
indirect_of? |
siblings | subtree | path |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
includes self | self..indirects | root..self |
sibling_ids |
subtree_ids |
path_ids |
has_siblings? |
sibling_of?(node) |
in_subtree_of? |
When using STI
all classes are returned from the scopes unless you specify otherwise using where(:type => "ChildClass")
1. [other root records are considered siblings]↩
The has_ancestry
method supports the following options:
:ancestry_column Column name to store ancestry
'ancestry' (default)
:ancestry_format Format for ancestry column (see Ancestry Formats section):
:materialized_path 1/2/3, root nodes ancestry=nil (default)
:materialized_path2 /1/2/3/, root nodes ancestry=/ (preferred)
:orphan_strategy How to handle children of a destroyed node:
:destroy All children are destroyed as well (default)
:rootify The children of the destroyed node become root nodes
:restrict An AncestryException is raised if any children exist
:adopt The orphan subtree is added to the parent of the deleted node
If the deleted node is Root, then rootify the orphan subtree
:none skip this logic. (add your own `before_destroy`)
:cache_depth Cache the depth of each node: (See Depth Cache section)
false Do not cache depth (default)
true Cache depth in 'ancestry_depth'
String Cache depth in the column referenced
:primary_key_format Regular expression that matches the format of the primary key:
'[0-9]+' integer ids (default)
'[-A-Fa-f0-9]{36}' UUIDs
:touch Touch the ancestors of a node when it changes:
false don't invalid nested key-based caches (default)
true touch all ancestors of previous and new parents
:counter_cache Create counter cache column accessor:
false don't store a counter cache (default)
true store counter cache in `children_count`.
String name of column to store counter cache.
:update_strategy How to update descendants nodes:
:ruby All descendants are updated using the ruby algorithm. (default)
This triggers update callbacks for each descendant node
:sql All descendants are updated using a single SQL statement.
This strategy does not trigger update callbacks for the descendants.
This strategy is available only for PostgreSql implementations
Legacy configuration using acts_as_tree
is still available. Ancestry defers to acts_as_tree
if that gem is installed.
The navigation methods return scopes instead of records, where possible. Additional ordering, conditions, limits, etc. can be applied and the results can be retrieved, counted, or checked for existence:
node.children.where(:name => 'Mary').exists?
node.subtree.order(:name).limit(10).each { ... }
A couple of class-level named scopes are included:
roots Root nodes
ancestors_of(node) Ancestors of node, node can be either a record or an id
children_of(node) Children of node, node can be either a record or an id
descendants_of(node) Descendants of node, node can be either a record or an id
indirects_of(node) Indirect children of node, node can be either a record or an id
subtree_of(node) Subtree of node, node can be either a record or an id
siblings_of(node) Siblings of node, node can be either a record or an id
It is possible thanks to some convenient rails magic to create nodes through the children and siblings scopes:
With depth caching enabled (see has_ancestry options), an additional five named scopes can be used to select nodes by depth:
before_depth(depth) Return nodes that are less deep than depth (node.depth < depth)
to_depth(depth) Return nodes up to a certain depth (node.depth <= depth)
at_depth(depth) Return nodes that are at depth (node.depth == depth)
from_depth(depth) Return nodes starting from a certain depth (node.depth >= depth)
after_depth(depth) Return nodes that are deeper than depth (node.depth > depth)
Depth scopes are also available through calls to descendants
, subtree
, subtree_ids
, path
and ancestors
(with relative depth).
Note that depth constraints cannot be passed to ancestor_ids
or path_ids
as both relations
can be fetched directly from the ancestry column without needing a query. Use
or ancestor_ids.slice(min_depth..max_depth)
node.ancestors(:from_depth => -6, :to_depth => -4)
node.descendants(:from_depth => 2, :to_depth => 4)
A subtree can be arranged into nested hashes for easy navigation after database retrieval.
The resulting format is a hash of hashes
#<TreeNode id: 100018, name: "Stinky", ancestry: nil> => {
#<TreeNode id: 100019, name: "Crunchy", ancestry: "100018"> => {
#<TreeNode id: 100020, name: "Squeeky", ancestry: "100018/100019"> => {}
#<TreeNode id: 100021, name: "Squishy", ancestry: "100018"> => {}
There are many ways to call arrange
TreeNode.find_by(:name => 'Crunchy').subtree.arrange
TreeNode.find_by(:name => 'Crunchy').subtree.arrange(:order => :name)
If a hash of arrays is preferred, arrange_serializable
can be used. The results
work well with to_json
TreeNode.arrange_serializable(:order => :name)
# use an active model serializer
TreeNode.arrange_serializable { |parent, children|, children: children) }
TreeNode.arrange_serializable do |parent, children|
my_children: children
The sort_by_ancestry
class method: TreeNode.sort_by_ancestry(array_of_nodes)
can be used
to sort an array of nodes as if traversing in preorder. (Note that since materialized path
trees do not support ordering within a rank, the order of siblings is
dependant upon their original array order.)
Sorry, using collation or index operator classes makes this a little complicated. The root of the issue is that in order to use indexes, the ancestry column needs to compare strings using ascii rules.
It is well known that LIKE '/1/2/%'
will use an index because the wildcard (i.e.: %
is on the right hand side of the LIKE
. While that is true for ascii strings, it is not
necessarily true for unicode. Since ancestry only uses ascii characters, telling the database
this constraint will optimize the LIKE
As of 2018, standard unicode collation ignores punctuation for sorting. This ignores
the ancestry delimiter (i.e.: /
) and returns data in the wrong order. The exception
being Postgres on a mac, which ignores proper unicode collation and instead uses
ISO-8859-1 ordering (read: ascii sorting).
Using the proper column storage and indexes will ensure that data is returned from the database in the correct order. It will also ensure that developers on Mac or Windows will get the same results as linux production servers, if that is your setup.
If you are reading this and want to alter your table to add collation to an existing column,
remember to drop existing indexes on the ancestry
column and recreate them.
If you are using the legacy ancestry_format
of :materialized_path
, then you need to the
column to allow nulls
. Change the column create accordingly: null: true
Chances are, you can ignore this section as you most likely want to use :materialized_path2
The currently suggested way to create a postgres field is using 'C'
t.string "ancestry", collation: 'C', null: false
t.index "ancestry"
If you need to use a standard collation (e.g.: en_US
), then use an ascii index:
t.string "ancestry", null: false
t.index "ancestry", opclass: :varchar_pattern_ops
This option is mostly there for users who have an existing ancestry column and are more comfortable tweaking indexes rather than altering the ancestry column.
When the column is binary, the database doesn't convert strings using locales.
Rails will convert the strings and send byte arrays to the database.
At this time, this option is not suggested. The sql is not as readable, and currently
this does not support the :sql
t.binary "ancestry", limit: 3000, null: false
t.index "ancestry"
You may be able to alter the database to gain some readability:
ALTER DATABASE dbname SET bytea_output to 'escape';
The currently suggested way to create a MySQL field is using 'utf8mb4_bin'
t.string "ancestry", collation: 'utf8mb4_bin', null: false
t.index "ancestry"
Collation of binary
acts much the same way as the binary
t.string "ancestry", collate: 'binary', limit: 3000, null: false
t.index "ancestry"
t.binary "ancestry", limit: 3000, null: false
t.index "ancestry"
MySQL supports per column character sets. Using a character set of ascii
set this up.
You can choose from 2 ancestry formats:
- legacy format (currently the default for backwards compatibility reasons):materialized_path2
- newer format. Use this if it is a new column
:materialized_path 1/2/3, root nodes ancestry=nil
descendants SQL: ancestry LIKE '1/2/3/%' OR ancestry = '1/2/3'
:materialized_path2 /1/2/3/, root nodes ancestry=/
descendants SQL: ancestry LIKE '/1/2/3/%'
If you are unsure, choose :materialized_path2
. It allows a not NULL column,
faster descendant queries, has one less OR
statement in the queries, and
the path can be formed easily in a database query for added benefits.
There is more discussion in Internals or Migrating ancestry format
For migrating from materialized_path
to materialized_path2
see Ancestry Column
To migrate from materialized_path
to materialized_path2
klass = YourModel
# set all child nodes
klass.where.not(klass.arel_table[klass.ancestry_column].eq(nil)).update_all("#{klass.ancestry_column} = CONCAT('#{klass.ancestry_delimiter}', #{klass.ancestry_column}, '#{klass.ancestry_delimiter}')")
# set all root nodes
klass.where(klass.arel_table[klass.ancestry_column].eq(nil)).update_all("#{klass.ancestry_column} = '#{klass.ancestry_root}'")
change_column_null klass.table_name, klass.ancestry_column, false
It should be relatively simple to migrating from a plugin that uses a parent_id
column, (e.g.: awesome_nested_set
, better_nested_set
, acts_as_nested_set
When running the installation steps, also remove the old gem from your Gemfile
and remove the old gem's macros from the model.
Then populate the ancestry
column from rails console:
# Model.rebuild_depth_cache!
It is time to run your code. Most tree methods should work fine with ancestry and hopefully your tests only require a few minor tweaks to get up and running.
Once you are happy with how your app is running, remove the old parent_id
$ rails g migration remove_parent_id_from_[table]
class RemoveParentIdFromToTable < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
def change
remove_column "table", "parent_id", type: :integer
$ rake db:migrate
To add depth_caching to an existing model:
class AddDepthCacheToTable < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
def change
change_table(:table) do |t|
t.integer "ancestry_depth", default: 0
# app/models/[model.rb]
class [Model] < ActiveRecord::Base
has_ancestry cache_depth: true
Add a custom script or run from rails console. Some use migrations, but that can make the migration suite fragile. The command of interest is:
git clone [email protected]:stefankroes/ancestry.git
cd ancestry
cp test/database.example.yml test/database.yml
appraisal install
# all tests
appraisal rake test
# single test version (sqlite and rails 5.0)
appraisal sqlite3-ar-50 rake test
Question? Bug report? Faulty/incomplete documentation? Feature request? Please post an issue on ''. Make sure you have read the documentation and you have included tests and documentation with any pull request.
Copyright (c) 2016 Stefan Kroes, released under the MIT license