Ragnarok database built with Graphscript
This project was created based on Graphscript structure, a useful and powerful GraphQL Boilerplate.
This project is responsable to serve a graphql server, basically connects to a database, get and process the data to be caught on Ragnarok APP -> https://github.com/kevenleone/ragnarok-react-native
- Install the packages
npm install
npm run dev
- start the playground with hot-reload athttp://localhost:3333/playground
npm run build
- Builds the project: Typescript to Javascript
If you liked the the project and want to cooperate feel free to fork this repository and send Pull Requests.
All kinds of contributions are very welcome and appreciated
- ⭐️ Star the project
- 🐛 Find and report issues
- 📥 Submit PRs to help solve issues or add features
MIT license, Copyright (c) 2020 Keven Leone.