Tests and infrastructure for testing Bitcraze devices in a physical lab.
The tests defined in the QA suite (tests/QA
) all reference requirements found
in the requirements/
folder. The requiremens are written in TOML
and are
parsed by the test suite in a way that the tests can reference limits in the
Before running the test suite you need to define a site in the sites/
The site TOML
tells the test suite which devices to tests, what capabilities
and decks they have, and how to reach them.
See the file sites/single-cf.toml
for the site file format to define new test sites.
To run the test for a single Crazyflie, run:
CRAZY_SITE=single-cf pytest --verbose tests/QA
If you have defined your own site, then change the CRAZY_SITE
variable to reflect that.
There are some scripts in the management/
folder to help manage the devices
in your site.
management/program.py - Flash a firmware file to devices in site
management/bootloader_addresses.py - List all devices bootloader addresses
management/recover.py - Attempt to recover one or all device(s)
from bootloader mode
management/program_swarm.py - Flash a firmware file to devices in a swarm
It also possible to test using the Crazyswarm project.
You will need to specify your swarm in swarms/name.yaml
and a ROS launch file in swarms/name.launch
you can check the swarms/crazylab-malmö.[yaml|launch]
files for inspiration.
To run the Crazyswarm tests or flash firmware files to a swarm you need to define some environment variables:
$ export CRAZYSWARM_PATH=[path to checked out crazyswarm source]
$ export CRAZYSWARM_YAML=[name_of_your.yaml]
$ source $CRAZYSWARM_PATH/ros_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch [path to your launch file] &
# To flash all devices in swarm
$ python3 management/program_swarm.py [firmware file]
# To run the crazyswarm tests
$ python3 -m pytest tests/crazyswarm