This repository contains different ROS 2 nodes to interact with the multiranger on the Crazyflie for both simulation as the real Crazyflie.
Start a workspace and clone the repository:
mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src
cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone [email protected]:knmcguire/crazyflie_ros2_multiranger.git
In the same workspace, git clone Crazyswarm2:
git clone --recursive
There is a fix that needs to be merged so it's best to use the odom-tf-fix. For the rest make sure to install all of Crazyswarm2's dependencies but skip buildin
In the same workspace also install the ros_gz_crazyflie usage instructions in the README of the ros_gz_crazyflie repository for sourcing the specific Crazyflie model.
Make sure to switch to the gazebo-multiranger branch when cloning the crazyflie-simulation repo!
Then build the workspace:
cd ~/ros2_ws/
colcon build --cmake-args -DBUILD_TESTING=ON
source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
Every terminal were you run the examples in needs to have the setup.bash sourced with:
source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
Also the simulation model needs to be sourced in every terminal where you run the simulation with:
export GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH=/home/user/simulation_models/crazyflie_simulation/simulator_files/gazebo/"
Note that the full directory should be sourced as tilde won't be recognized.
The latter is depended on where you have the simulation models stored.
You might need to enter the full path for sourcing, so with
if you get a 'file not found' error.
To run the simulation with the simple mapper while controlling in with teleop run:
ros2 launch crazyflie_ros2_multiranger_bringup
In another terminal run teleop with
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
Have the crazyflie take off by pressing 't' and follow the instructions of the teleop_twist_keyboard to control the Crazyflie. You can see the map being created in Rviz.
Go to crazyflie_ros2_multiranger_bringup/confg and edit the crazyflie_real_crazyswarm2.yaml file to set the uri of the Crazyflie to the correct one.
Then run:
ros2 launch crazyflie_ros2_multiranger_bringup
In another terminal run teleop with
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
Have the crazyflie take off by pressing 't' and follow the instructions of the teleop_twist_keyboard to control the Crazyflie. You can see the map being created in Rviz.
To run the simulation with the simple mapper while it is autonomously wall following run:
ros2 launch crazyflie_ros2_multiranger_bringup
You don't have to control the simulated Crazyflie as it is autonmously wallfollowing. You can see the map being created in Rviz.
You can make the simulated Crazyflie stop with calling the following service:
ros2 service call /crazyflie/stop_wall_following std_srvs/srv/Trigger
It will now stop moving and land.
Go to crazyflie_ros2_multiranger_bringup/config/ and edit the crazyflie_real_crazyswarm2.yaml file to set the uri of the Crazyflie to the correct one.
Then run:
ros2 launch crazyflie_ros2_multiranger_bringup
You don't have to control the simulated Crazyflie as it is autonomously wall following. You can see the map being created in Rviz.
You can make the simulated Crazyflie stop with calling the following service:
ros2 service call /crazyflie_real/stop_wall_following std_srvs/srv/Trigger
The crazyflie will now stop moving and land.