An API that returns name of all the members of OreoDroiders Community .
Join OreoDroiders Whatsapp Community and add your name to our API .
- must have joined OreoDroiders Community as a member
- follow the correct format ; get reference from others who have added themselves
- do not add your name in between or above others , add your name at the end
- Fork the project:
- Click the
button in the top right of this page. This creates your copy of the project and saves it as a new repository in your github account
- Navigate to file:
- Navigate to the members.json file.
- Edit:
- On the top right of the JSON file, click on the pencil icon to edit the file by adding your name , email , twitter id and linkedin id.
- After editing the JSON file, add a commit message and click on the green button saying "Commit Changes".
Copy the below template and add your details :
, {
"name" : " " ,
"email" : " " ,
"twitter" : " " ,
"linkedin" : " "
- Raise a Pull Request :
And finally create a Pull Request!
OreoDroiders Android Team is working on an App for our community where we will use this api to display amazing members of the community.
Base URL
returns the json response of all the members details
Feel free to raise a genuine issue and our team would try their best to resolve it ASAP .