Most grams by label and degree 1
Distribution of Biography Length per Label for users with biographies
Distribution of Comment Time Difference per Label
Top 20 words in bot bios
Summary stats per label for column follow count
Distribution of the follow count per label
Distribution of the follower count per label.
Distribution of the post count per label.
Distribution of the video count per label (max 1000)
Summary stats per label for column highlight reel count
Distribution of the highlight reel count per label
Distribution of Labels by Domain_Na_Flag
Distribution of Labels by domain category
Sunburst of domains by label for domains and their category
Distribution of labels for each category of category_name for bots and legit users
Distribution of labels for each category of category_name for bots only
Distribution of labels for each category of business_category_name for bots and legit users
Distribution of Labels by Has_Guides
Distribution of Labels by Has_Clips
Distribution of Labels by Is_Private
Distribution of Labels by Is_Embeds_Disabled
Distribution of Labels by Is_Joined_Recently
Distribution of Labels by Should_Show_Public_Contacts