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Quick and dirty demo on how to use Vault Agent to populate a legacy system config file

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Vault Agent demo

Purpose: This repo was created to demo how Vault Agent can read a simple KV secret, populate a config simple file, and maybe more as we get into it. If you are looking for a more verbose tutorial, the HashiCorp Learn site has one here

Future versions of this might include:


Environment Prep

  1. Config/connect to your environment, Vault UI, firewall rules, login, etc so that vault status returns an unsealed vaulting vault

    • $ export VAULT_ADDR=
    • $ vault status
    • $ vault login s.token_here
  2. Enable approle auth method

    • $ vault auth enable approle
    • Returns: Success! Enabled approle auth method at: approle/
  3. Enable a new KV (version 2) secrets engine at kvAgentDemo:

    vault secrets enable -path=kvAgentDemo -version=2 kv
    Success! Enabled the kv secrets engine at: kvAgentDemo/
  4. Write and verify the new KV:

    $ vault kv put /kvAgentDemo/legacy_app_creds_01 username=legacyUser password=supersecret
    Key              Value
    ---              -----
    created_time     2020-01-07T21:42:08.288139501Z
    deletion_time    n/a
    destroyed        false
    version          1
    $ vault kv get /kvAgentDemo/legacy_app_creds_01
    ====== Metadata ======
    Key              Value
    ---              -----
    created_time     2020-01-07T21:42:08.288139501Z
    deletion_time    n/a
    destroyed        false
    version          1
    ====== Data ======
    Key         Value
    ---         -----
    password    supersecret
    username    legacyUser
  5. Create policy demo-policy from demo-policy.hcl file. This policy gives permissions on kvAgentDemo/*, see file for details.

    $ vault policy write demo-policy demo-policy.hcl
    Success! Uploaded policy: demo-policy
  6. Create approle role

    $ vault write auth/approle/role/agentdemo policies="demo-policy"
    Success! Data written to: auth/approle/role/agentdemo
  7. Get role ID for new approle role

    $ vault read auth/approle/role/agentdemo/role-id
    role_id    ffcfd009-86e0-5c11-e85f-lee78310ee0cd

    Make a new file roleid (in repo folder) that contains only the role_id UUID returned above

  8. Create a secret ID for the role

    $ vault write -f auth/approle/role/agentdemo/secret-id
    Key                   Value
    ---                   -----
    secret_id             62a9b134-cd6d-cc77-909e-0a6a4c0289e6
    secret_id_accessor    3a1670da-4811-b9ca-acba-bafdf6c7925b

    Make a new file secretid (in repo folder) that contains only the secret_id UUID returned above

    • Note, the secret ID that is read as part of the auth_auth config stanza,
        config = {
      		role_id_file_path = "roleid"
      		secret_id_file_path = "secretid"
      		remove_secret_id_file_after_reading = false

    defaults to removing the file at the secred_id_file_path (remove_secret_id_file_after_reading = true). In this example we have set this to false to keep the secret ID in the filesystem. In the real world, this should be a consideration and a security concern for both keeping this file and permissions of it.

  9. Review the template.ctmpl file. This file defines the output that will be rendered.

Running the demo

  1. Run vault agent

    $ vault agent -config=agent-demo.hcl
    ==> Vault server started! Log data will stream in below:
    ==> Vault agent configuration:
               Api Address 1: unix://foo.txt
                         Cgo: disabled
                   Log Level: info
                     Version: Vault v1.3.1
    2020-01-17T08:16:33.144-0700 [INFO]  sink.file: creating file sink
    2020-01-17T08:16:33.144-0700 [INFO]  sink.file: file sink configured: path=sink_file.txt mode=-rw-r-----
    2020-01-17T08:16:33.144-0700 [INFO]  auth.handler: starting auth handler
    2020-01-17T08:16:33.144-0700 [INFO]  auth.handler: authenticating
    2020-01-17T08:16:33.144-0700 [INFO]  sink.server: starting sink server
    2020-01-17T08:16:33.144-0700 [INFO]  template.server: starting template server
    2020/01/17 15:16:33.147270 [INFO] (runner) creating new runner (dry: false, once: false)
    2020/01/17 15:16:33.147621 [INFO] (runner) creating watcher
    2020-01-17T08:16:33.262-0700 [INFO]  auth.handler: authentication successful, sending token to sinks
    2020-01-17T08:16:33.262-0700 [INFO]  auth.handler: starting renewal process
    2020-01-17T08:16:33.262-0700 [INFO]  template.server: template server received new token
    2020/01/17 15:16:33.262450 [INFO] (runner) stopping
    2020/01/17 15:16:33.262475 [INFO] (runner) creating new runner (dry: false, once: false)
    2020/01/17 15:16:33.262555 [INFO] (runner) creating watcher
    2020/01/17 15:16:33.262671 [INFO] (runner) starting
    2020-01-17T08:16:33.262-0700 [INFO]  sink.file: token written: path=sink_file.txt
    2020-01-17T08:16:33.362-0700 [INFO]  auth.handler: renewed auth token
    2020/01/17 15:16:33.457677 [INFO] (runner) rendered "template.ctmpl" => "render.txt"

    This results in a render.txt file being created, with the contents (based on template.ctmpl.

    Username: legacyUser
    Password: supersecret
    Create TS: 2020-01-17T15:16:27.215746404Z
     Version: 9
    All raw metadata: map[data:map[password:supersecret4 username:legacyUser] metadata:map[created_time:2020-01-17T15:16:27.215746404Z deletion_time: destroyed:false version:9]]
  2. The agent will continue to run and update the render.txt, to use in scripts or single-use upon startup requiring run once and exit, set exit_after_auth true. Note, KV values are not updated in real time but on a random timer from 1-5 minutes. GH issue will be linked here once created.

  3. If your use case does not need a token to interact with Vault, now would be a good time to remove the sink stanza from the agent-demo.hcl file. Note: A sink file or listener must be enabled with auto_auth. This requirement will soon be removed, see hashicorp/vault#7988 and

Use Vault to generate a PKI certificate and save to a file

  1. Setup PKI secrets engine

    $ vault secrets enable -path=pki-agent pki
    Success! Enabled the pki secrets engine at: pki-agent/
    $ vault write pki-agent/root/generate/internal ttl=24h
     Key              Value
     ---              -----
     certificate      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
     -----END CERTIFICATE-----
     expiration       1622748662
     issuing_ca       -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
     -----END CERTIFICATE-----
     serial_number    3b:8a:13:04:8c:ab:74:ee:65:3c:f6:66:51:52:ed:fa:65:60:c1:6e
     $ vault write pki-agent/roles/dev-dot-com allow_subdomains=true
     Success! Data written to: pki-agent/roles/dev-dot-com
     $ vault write pki-agent/issue/dev-dot-com ttl=1h
     Key                 Value
     ---                 -----
     certificate         -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
     -----END CERTIFICATE-----
     expiration          1622666066
     issuing_ca          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
     -----END CERTIFICATE-----
     private_key         -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
     -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
     private_key_type    rsa
     serial_number       35:da:a9:1c:ba:35:bb:56:2c:b7:df:d7:6e:11:4b:b8:f9:c7:6a:ce
  2. Run vault agent $ vault agent --config=agent-demo-pki.hcl

  3. You'll see in the log output a file was created: [INFO] (runner) rendered "template-pki.ctmpl" => "render-pki.txt"

  4. And the contents of the file should look like this example: render-pki.example

  5. It is possible to have the template put the certificate, private and public keys in separate files. Possibility for improvement of this repo.


Quick and dirty demo on how to use Vault Agent to populate a legacy system config file






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