Strawberry Py is a lightweight RESTFull (No Auth Yet) API Server. It is fast, efficient, and simple. Thats all.
This version of Strawberry Py also includes my MongoDB Relational Mapper and schema versioner called Mongitude
While both StrawberryPy and Mongitude are far from finished they sport some interesting functionality.
- clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:miketheprogrammer/strawberrypy.git
cd strawberrypy
- run
sudo python install
- This will install dependencies [CherryPy, PyMongo]
There is a demo application in the application folder
- run
python application/
- wait for it to start then exit out of it, softly with cntr + c
- run
python application/
- run
python application/
Reason for this is we need to do an initial schema migration. After which we can load data.
Example GET Request
GETS all users
EXAMPLE ONLY Displays user0
QUERY :{"_revision_id": "5100489086a955305e447047"}
Params :{"_revision_id": "5100489086a955305e447047"}
PATH :"/users"
"username": "user0",
"_revision_id": "5100489086a955305e447047",
"name": "surname0, first0",
"age": 0,
"_id": "5100489386a95530739473bc",
"username": "user0",
"item": "item0",
"is_liked": 1,
"_id": "5100489386a95530739473bd",
"_revision_id": "5100489086a955305e447048"
"username": "user0",
"item": "item1", "is_liked": 0,
Example GET Request
Returns a subset of the users where username = user0
We see that users have likes attributed between them and an item, thats interesting What if we want to find all items that the user has liked
QUERY :{"username": "user0", "is_liked": 1, "_revision_id": "514b33f286a955572d88c4d7"} Params :{"username": "user0", "is_liked": 1, "_revision_id": "514b33f286a955572d88c4d7"} PATH :"/likes/username/user0/is_liked/1" [ { "username": "user0", "item": "item0", "is_liked": 1, "_id": "5100489386a95530739473bd", "_revision_id": "5100489086a955305e447048"}, { "username": "user0", "item": "item4", "is_liked": 1, "_id": "5100489386a95530739473c1", "_revision_id": "5100489086a955305e447048"}, { "username": "user0", "item": "item6", "is_liked": 1, "_id": "5100489386a95530739473c3", "_revision_id": "5100489086a955305e447048"}, ] ```
- Necessary Imports
from strawberry.core.database.mongitude.base import connection, documents, schema, encoders
from bson import ObjectId
- Creating the User Document
class UserDocument(documents.RevisionedDocument):
class Meta(object):
required_fields = ['username']
related_to = {'likes': (LikesDocument, 'username')}
indexes = {'username':
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._id = ObjectId
self.username = str = str
self.age = int
self.likes = list
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(collection_name='users', **kwargs)
Understanding the Document
All documents have a `class Meta(object)` which describes important information
including relational structure
- Understanding Meta
- related_to : `related_to = {'likes': (LikesDocument, 'username')}`
- In this case it indicates this class has a child likes composed of a document LikesDocument, related on field `username`
- indexes : `Creates indexes on the keys listed, all parameters are natural pymongo and in turn mongo db parameters`
- Understanding __init__
- Each field declared here is a description of schema, in order for naive-validation to work, the field must be equal to its type
- super...blah...collection_name='users'
- Says to use db.users as the collection. i.e. `main.users`
Example of Multiple indexes
class LikesDocument(documents.RevisionedDocument):
class Meta(object):
required_fields = []
indexes = {'username':
'item': {
'is_liked': {
- Composite Indexes are not supported yet.
from strawberry.core.base import BaseController
from strawberry.core.database.mongitude.base import encoders
import strawberry.core.serializers
import documents
class UserController(BaseController):
default_message = 'no users'
collection = documents.UserDocument
def get(self):
self.query = self.params
results = self.collection.find(self.query)
json_response = strawberry.core.serializers.serialize_list(results)
self.response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain'), ('Cache-Control',('max-age=100'))]
super(UserController, self).get()
return self.get_debug() + json_response
def post(self):
return self.get()
return 'GET ' + json_response
class UserController(BaseController):
default_message = 'no users'
collection = documents.UserDocument
- default_message: What message to display if there are no records found.
- collection : the model to use
def get(self):
self.query = self.params
results = self.collection.find(self.query)
json_response = strawberry.core.serializers.serialize_list(results)
self.response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain'), ('Cache-Control',('max-age=100'))]
super(UserController, self).get()
- Refer to
results = self.collection.find(self.query)
- This call returns a collection of documents as objects, not as json
- Refer to the line
json_response = strawberry.core.serializers.serialize_list(results)
- Included in strawberry is a special serializer for converting between objects and mongodb.
mkdir appname
cd appname
Assumes you have controllers and documents
import strawberry
import controllers
import documents
strawberry.core.server.load_route(r'^/users', controllers.UserController)
strawberry.core.server.load_route(r'^/likes', controllers.LikesController)
strawberry.core.server.load_route(r'^/realusers', controllers.RealUserController)
strawberry.core.server.server(host='', port=80).start()
takes a regexp route, and a controller to use
simply registers the model for use, and will automatically migrate all registered models.
- default host is
- default port is 8007
- Understanding how migrations work.
Firstly, all documents that want to be revisioned must inherit from RevisionedDocument. This creates a field called _revision_id
When the server starts it compares all registered documents schemas with the schema stored in the revisions collection.
The Following code is how its done. It's simple but efficient
<<Start Code Segment>>
set_a = set(revision['_schema'].items())
set_b = set(instance.schema.get_comparable().items())
diff = set_a - set_b
diff2 = set_b - set_a
if len(diff) == 0 and len(diff2) == 0:
print 'Found Revision: %s \n\n' % str(revision['_id'])
return True
<<End Code Segment>>
- We get two sets, which allow mathematical operations on them. Get the diffs, and compare. If either diff is != 0 in length we have an incomaptibility issue.
if revision is not None:
version = int(revision['_version']) + 1
version = 0
print 'Current Version: %s ' % str(version)
_revision = RevisionHistoryDocument()
_revision._version = version
_revision._collection = instance.collection_name
_revision._schema = instance.schema.get_comparable()
print 'New Revision for: %s \n\n' % str(instance.__class__)
- UNDERSTANDING serializers.serialize_list
Function Incomplete as of writing this.
Only works 2 levels deep, doesnt recurse the whole object hierarchy
Also terminology is off.
def serialize_list(lst):
field_list = []
for model in lst:
if hasattr(model.Meta, 'related_to'):
for k, v in model.Meta.related_to.items():
attr = getattr(model, k)
if isinstance(attr, list):
new_list = []
for like in attr:
setattr(model, k, new_list)
return encoders.MongoEncoder().encode(field_list)
The function simply recurses over the object getting attributes and appending to list. Then passes it to encoders.MongoEncoder().encode()
from json import JSONEncoder
from bson import ObjectId
class MongoEncoder(JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj, **kwargs):
if isinstance(obj, ObjectId):
return str(obj)
return JSONEncoder.default(obj, **kwargs)