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Zig ODBC Bindings

Idiomatic Zig bindings for the ODBC driver interface. This is meant to be a low-level building block for ODBC interfaces or applications. It can be used directly to interface with a database, or it can be used to build more sophisticated connection management libraries.

How To Use

You can use the following configuration as a starting point when adding zig-odbc to your project. For another example, you can check the build.zig of zdb.

// build.zig.zon
    .name = "",
    .version = "",
    .dependencies = .{
        .zig_odbc = .{
            .url = "<sha>.tar.gz",
            .hash = "<hash>",

// build.zig

pub fn build(b: *Builder) void {
    const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
    const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOptions();

    // Create executable "exe"

    // ODBC configuration
    var zig_odbc_dep = b.dependency("zig_odbc", .{
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,

    const odbc_module = zig_odbc_dep.module("zig-odbc");
    const odbc_lib = zig_odbc_dep.artifact("odbc");

    exe.addModule("odbc", odbc_module);
    // End ODBC configuration


1. Set Up Application Environment and Create Table

This example connects to a database, sets and gets some attributes, and creates a table using Statement.executeDirect.

const std = @import("std");
const odbc = @import("odbc");

pub fn main() anyerror!void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();

    const allocator = &gpa.allocator;

    // Step 1: Create an Environment
    var environment = try odbc.Environment.init(allocator);
    defer environment.deinit() catch |err| {};

    // Step 2: Set the ODBC version
    try environment.setOdbcVersion(.Odbc3);
    const version = try environment.getOdbcVersion();
    std.debug.print("Version is {s}\n", .{@tagName(version)});

    // Step 3: Initialize a Connection
    var connection = try odbc.Connection.init(allocator, &environment);
    defer connection.deinit() catch |err| {};

    // Optionally set connection attributes
    connection.setAttribute(.{ .LoginTimeout = 1000 }) catch |err| {
        const errors = try connection.getErrors(connection.allocator);
        for (errors) |e| {
            std.debug.print("Set Attribute Error: {s}\n", .{@tagName(e)});

    const default_login_timeout = try connection.getAttribute(.LoginTimeout);
    std.debug.print("Current login timeout = {}\n", .{default_login_timeout.?.LoginTimeout});

    // Step 4: Connect to a database using a connection string
    connection.connectExtended("ODBC;driver=PostgreSQL Unicode(x64);DSN=PostgreSQL35W", .NoPrompt) catch |err| {
        const errors = try connection.getErrors(allocator);
        for (errors) |e| {
            std.debug.print("Connection error: {s}\n", .{@tagName(e)});

    std.debug.print("Connected\n", .{});

    // Optionally get some info about the connection
    const enabled_funcs = try connection.getAllEnabledFunctions();

    std.debug.print("Enabled functions: ", .{});
    for (enabled_funcs) |func| {
        std.debug.print("{s} ", .{@tagName(func)});
    std.debug.print("\n", .{});

    const tx = try connection.getInfo(.ConvertChar);
    std.debug.print("Transaction Capable: {}\n", .{tx});

    // Step 5: Initialize a statement
    var statement = try odbc.Statement.init(&connection, allocator);
    defer statement.deinit() catch |_| {};

    // Optionally get/set statement attributes
    statement.setAttribute(.{ .QueryTimeout = 2201 }) catch |err| {
        const errors = try statement.getErrors(allocator);

        for (errors) |e| {
            std.debug.print("Statement set attribute error: {s}\n", .{@tagName(e)});

    const query_timeout = try statement.getAttribute(.QueryTimeout);
    std.debug.print("Query Timeout is {}\n", .{query_timeout.QueryTimeout});

    _ = statement.getColumnAttribute(1, .AutoUniqueValue) catch |err| {
        const errors = try statement.getErrors(allocator);

        for (errors) |e| {
            std.debug.print("Exptected error, got {s}\n", .{@tagName(e)});

    // A very simplistic example of binding buffers to a result set, using `Statement.tables` as the data source
    var catalog_col_buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
    var catalog_col_ind: c_longlong = undefined;
    var schema_col_buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
    var schema_col_ind: c_longlong = undefined;
    var table_name_col_buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
    var table_name_col_ind: c_longlong = undefined;
    var table_type_col_buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
    var table_type_col_ind: c_longlong = undefined;
    var remarks_col_buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
    var remarks_col_ind: c_longlong = undefined;

    try statement.bindColumn(1, odbc.Types.CType.Char, catalog_col_buf[0..], &catalog_col_ind);
    try statement.bindColumn(2, odbc.Types.CType.Char, schema_col_buf[0..], &schema_col_ind);
    try statement.bindColumn(3, odbc.Types.CType.Char, table_name_col_buf[0..], &table_name_col_ind);
    try statement.bindColumn(4, odbc.Types.CType.Char, table_type_col_buf[0..], &table_type_col_ind);
    try statement.bindColumn(5, odbc.Types.CType.Char, remarks_col_buf[0..], &remarks_col_ind);

    try statement.tables("zig-test", "public", "%", "%");

    while (true) {
        const has_data = statement.fetch() catch |err| switch (err) {
            error.StillExecuting => continue,
            else => break,

        if (!has_data) {
            try statement.closeCursor();

        if (catalog_col_ind != odbc.sys.SQL_NULL_DATA) {
            std.debug.print("Catalog: {s}\n", .{catalog_col_buf[0..@intCast(usize, catalog_col_ind)]});
        if (schema_col_ind != odbc.sys.SQL_NULL_DATA) {
            std.debug.print("Schema: {s}\n", .{schema_col_buf[0..@intCast(usize, schema_col_ind)]});
        if (table_name_col_ind != odbc.sys.SQL_NULL_DATA) {
            std.debug.print("Table Name: {s}\n", .{table_name_col_buf[0..@intCast(usize, table_name_col_ind)]});
        if (table_type_col_ind != odbc.sys.SQL_NULL_DATA) {
            std.debug.print("Table Type: {s}\n", .{table_type_col_buf[0..@intCast(usize, table_type_col_ind)]});
        if (remarks_col_ind != odbc.sys.SQL_NULL_DATA) {
            std.debug.print("Remarks: {s}\n", .{remarks_col_buf[0..@intCast(usize, remarks_col_ind)]});

    // Execute a SQL statement
    const create_table_result = statement.executeDirect(
        \\CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS odbc_zig_test (
        \\  id serial PRIMARY KEY,
        \\  name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
        \\  occupation VARCHAR(100),
        \\  age INT DEFAULT 18
    ) catch |err| {
        std.debug.print("Execute Error: {s}\n", .{@errorName(err)});
        return err;
    std.debug.print("Execute result: {s}\n", .{@tagName(create_table_result)});

2. Insert Values into a Table, Get Results from Prepared Statement

pub fn main() !void {
    /// Same setup as previous example...

    // Insert Values
    _ = try statement.executeDirect(
        \\INSERT INTO odbc_zig_test (name, occupation, age) VALUES
        \\('Dave', 'Waiter', 25),
        \\('Andrea', 'Taxi Driver', 40),
        \\('Reese', 'Scientist', '30')

    // Prepare to query database by binding a parameter
    var parameter_value: u8 = 28;
    var param_ind: c_longlong = 0;
    try statement.bindParameter(1, .Input, .UTinyInt, .Integer, &parameter_value, null, &param_ind);

    // Bind columns from the result set
    var id_buf: u8 = 0;
    var id_ind: c_longlong = 0;
    var name_buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
    var name_ind: c_longlong = 0;
    var occupation_buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
    var occupation_ind: c_longlong = 0;
    var age_buf: u8 = 0;
    var age_ind: c_longlong = 0;

    try statement.bindColumn(1, .UTinyInt, @ptrCast([*]u8, &id_buf)[0..1], &id_ind);
    try statement.bindColumn(2, .Char, name_buf[0..], &name_ind);
    try statement.bindColumn(3, .Char, occupation_buf[0..], &occupation_ind);
    try statement.bindColumn(4, .UTinyInt, @ptrCast([*]u8, &age_buf)[0..1], &age_ind);

    // Execute the query
    _ = try statement.executeDirect(
        \\SELECT * FROM odbc_zig_test
        \\WHERE age > ?

    // Fetch all the results
    while (true) {
        const has_data = statement.fetch() catch |err| switch (err) {
            error.StillExecuting => continue,
            else => break,
        if (id_ind != odbc.sys.SQL_NULL_DATA) {
            std.debug.print("Id: {}\n", .{id_buf});
        if (name_ind != odbc.sys.SQL_NULL_DATA) {
            std.debug.print("Name: {s}\n", .{name_buf[0..@intCast(usize, name_ind)]});
        if (occupation_ind != odbc.sys.SQL_NULL_DATA) {
            std.debug.print("Occupation: {s}\n", .{occupation_buf[0..@intCast(usize, occupation_ind)]});
        if (age_ind != odbc.sys.SQL_NULL_DATA) {
            std.debug.print("Age: {}\n", .{age_buf});


ODBC Bindings for Zig







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