This software project contains materials relating to the CHREST cognitive architecture.
Details on using Chrest will be made available on the wiki.
A prepackaged version of Chrest is available at
Compilation uses a 'buildr' script. So first install 'buildr' using:
gem install buildr
Testing uses jruby and a jruby gem modellers_testing_framework. Assuming the jruby executable is on the PATH, install the gem using:
jruby -S gem install modellers_testing_framework
To compile CHREST:
buildr compile
To package CHREST into a self-contained jar file, in the 'targets' folder:
buildr package
To run the tests:
buildr tests
There are two documents, a user-guide and a manual. These are stored in the 'doc' folder. Use the following the construct the two documents, pdfs are stored in 'doc/user-guide' and 'doc/manual' respectively.
buildr guide
buildr manual
To bundle CHREST, the documentation and examples into a zip file in the 'release' folder:
buildr bundle
The latest version of CHREST can be downloaded pre-packaged from
Chrest project files may be redistributed under the terms of the Open Works License.
JFreeChart is used to provide the graphs within CHREST, and the distribution includes JFreeChart under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.
This repository is maintained by Peter Lane.
The original design and ideas behind CHREST were created by Fernand Gobet.
The emotions module was created by Marvin Schiller.