Fetch and import third party API products and variations with no repetitions into database and implementing Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) model.
- PHP 8.1
- Composer 2.5.*
- Laravel Framework 10
- Queues
- Jobs
- Commands
- Chunking
- Upserts
- Data Validation
Clone the repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/mostafaaminflakes/EAV-Model-API-Feed.git $ cd EAV-Model-API-Feed $ composesr install
Create a database and populate the [.env] file with its credentials.
Run the following command to install tables inside the database and prepare them for EAV.
$ php artisan db:install
$ php artisan serve
$ php artisan queue:listen --queue=json
Run this command to start the import process [and watch the queue window].
$ php artisan import:json
While creating this project, the following ideas were R&D:
- Introduced and implemented Entity-Attribute-Value model (EAV) for modern e-commerce products and variations.