Original repo: https://github.com/Rudrabha/Wav2Lip
- model size 288x288, 384x384, 512x512
- PRelu
- LeakyRelu
- Gradient penalty
- Wasserstein Loss
- SAM-UNet: https://github.com/1343744768/Multiattention-UNet
Each line on filelist should be full path
First, Train syncnet
python3 train_syncnet_sam.py
Second, train wav2lip-Sam
python3 hq_wav2lip_sam_train.py
Some demo from chinese users: #89 (comment)
Original repo: https://github.com/MRzzm/DINet
- Syncnet training using deepspeech
- DINet frame training using deepspeech
- DINet clip training using deepspeech
To cite this repository:
title={Wav2Lip: Accurately Lip-syncing Videos In The Wild},