This tool might be deprecated. I wrote this tool at the beginning of 2016 and since then I have no device to test it and I have no information if the interface of VMU-Cs changed. So it is possible that this tool is deprecated. I published it for others to continue the work if they need it and have such a device. It is possible that I delete this project some day.
This tool offers the possibility to download an export from a VMU-C (more infos) device automatically.
This tool loads the export of the data of all connected devices during the entered date span and loads the "average" data.
To use this tool you can either provide the needed information as Command-Line-Arguments or let the program ask it from you.
To run the program compile the sources and then call java -jar <your jar>
. If you want to provide the information via CLI-Arguments the usage is java -jar <ip of your device> <username> <password> <start date (dd.MM.yyyy)> <end date (dd.MM.yyyy)> <output folder>