hammerspoon config
Edit hs-weather/config.json to set location
Weather data: Yahoo Weather API requires an api key.
Air Quality Indice: From http://aqicn.org/ requires API key
Chose between:
- Bing (IOTD: image of the day)
- Nasa apod (IOTD)
- Doesn't work when IOTD is a video
- Can mirror flip image
- Require api key
- National geographic (IOTD)
- Require api key
- Go Pro (IOTD)
- Not very active
- Unsplash (Random or query)
- Require api key
- Flickr (Random or 1280*800)
- Require api key
- User's picture
- set your favorite desktop image as .hammerspoon/BingDaily/media/userpic.jpeg
- can show picture in finder
- User's folder
- display your favorite images in a folder and let them switch every 15 mins
- adds update real time earth map http://www.opentopia.com/images/data/sunlight/world_sunlight_map_rectangular.jpg
- can show folder in finder
- F4 (dashboard key) to display/hide spootlight\n
- F4 (dashboard key") to super if hold
- super + M = switch between light and dark mode in mojave
- super + D = display/hide month's calendar upfront
- super + F = launch facebook
- super + N = launch google news
- super + Q = quit all visible apps
- super + R = Reload hammerspoon config
- super + T = launch Terminal
- super + → = go to end of line
- super + ← = go to beginning of line
- super + cmd ⌘ + ← → ↓ ↑ = resize window to left/right/down/up half screen
- super + cmd ⌘ + @ = resize to whole screen
- cmd ⌘+ctrl+L= gtranslate window
Copy .hammerspoon in your home dir
Create a file called api_keys.lua in .hammerspoon and complete as follow
local keys = {}
return keys
- May require npm packages for IOTDs
- F3 (spaces) F11 (show desktop)
- F4 (dashboard) to F18 (soon to be super)
- https://github.com/Hammerspoon/Spoons ( WinWin, Calendar, Bingdaily )
- https://github.com/pasiaj/Translate-for-Hammerspoon ( gtranslate )
- https://github.com/skamsie/hs-weather (weather)
- https://github.com/scottcs/dot_hammerspoon (caffeine, appwindows )
- https://github.com/lodestone/hyper-hacks/tree/master/hammerspoon ( key bindings )
- wheather icons by RNS, Freepik, Vectors Market, Yannick at http://www.flaticon.com