Python Multi Threaded Tor Proxy,
Did you ever want to be at two different places at the same time?
When I asked myself this question, I actually started developing this solution in my mind.
While performing penetration tests there are often problems caused by security devices that block the "attacking" IP.
This really annoyed me, so I wrote a script to supply a solution for this problem.
With a large number of IP addresses performing the attacks, better results are guaranteed - especially when attempting
attacks to bypass Web Application Firewalls, Brute-Force type attacks and many more.
[Blackhat Asia]
[Owasp-IL Presentation]
[DigitalWhisper Article (Hebrew)]
- Python 3.10+.
- mitmproxy (
- tor.
- On Ubuntu / Kali,
sudo apt install -y tor
- On Centos,
sudo yum install -y tor
- On Fedora,
sudo dnf install -y tor
- On Windows,
- download tor expert bundle:
- insert tor to your path environment:
- if you don't know how remember tor.exe path and use
argument on pymultitor (for example:pymultitor --tor-cmd "c:\Pentest\Web\tor-win32-\Tor\tor.exe"
- On MacOS,
brew install tor
- On Ubuntu / Kali,
pip3 install pymultitor
docker pull realgam3/pymultitor
git clone
cd pymultitor
# Install python dependencies.
# Depending on your setup, one or both of these may require sudo.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 install
# Confirm that everything works
pymultitor --help
Bug reports on installation issues are welcome!
- Run
pymultitor --on-string "Your IP Address Blocked"
. - On your script use proxy (
When the stringYour IP Address Blocked
will present in the response content, you will exit from another IP address.
- Run
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 realgam3/pymultitor --on-string "Your IP Address Blocked"
. - On your script use proxy (
When the stringYour IP Address Blocked
will present in the response content, you will exit from another IP address.
pymultitor --help
usage: pymultitor [-h] [-v] [-lh LISTEN_HOST] [-lp LISTEN_PORT] [-s] [-a AUTH] [-i] [-d] [-p PROCESSES] [-c CMD] [-e CONFIG] [-t TIMEOUT]
[-r TRIES] [--on-count ON_COUNT] [--on-string ON_STRING] [--on-regex ON_REGEX] [--on-rst]
[--on-status-code [ON_STATUS_CODE ...]]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
proxy listen host. (default:
proxy listen port (default: 8080)
-s, --socks use as socks proxy (not http proxy) (default: False)
-a AUTH, --auth AUTH set proxy authentication (format: 'username:pass') (default: )
-i, --insecure insecure ssl (default: False)
-d, --debug Debug Log. (default: False)
-p PROCESSES, --tor-processes PROCESSES
number of tor processes in the cycle (default: 2)
-c CMD, --tor-cmd CMD
tor cmd (executable path + arguments) (default: tor)
-e CONFIG, --tor-config CONFIG
tor extended json configuration (default: {})
-t TIMEOUT, --tor-timeout TIMEOUT
timeout in seconds for starting a tor instance; 0 disables timeout (default: 90)
-r TRIES, --tor-tries TRIES
number tries to start a tor instance before it fails (default: 5)
--on-count ON_COUNT change ip every x requests (resources also counted) (default: 0)
--on-string ON_STRING
change ip when string found in the response content (default: )
--on-regex ON_REGEX change ip when regex found in The response content (default: )
--on-rst change ip when connection closed with tcp rst (default: False)
--on-status-code [ON_STATUS_CODE ...]
change ip when one of the specified status codes is returned (default: [])