This is a PList (Mac OS X property list) parser for Qt. See for more information about the format.
qtplist is available via qt-pods. See here for reference:
Alternatively, you can just copy PListSerializer and/or PListParser into your source tree. They don't have any dependencies beyond Qt Core and Qt XML.
exampleusage.cpp has a simple example of using each class.
Basically, it takes a QIODevice (generally a file), and returns you a QVariant with all the values in the PList.
Suppose this is your plist file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
This would get converted into a QVariantMap, with keys SomeKey and MyOtherKey, with respective values Value1 and Value2. If your PList has arrays or dictionaries inside, they are converted to QVariantLists and QVariantMaps.
It can also do the conversion the other way: if you have a QVariant, QVariantList, or QVariantMap, it can generate a PList file out of it, using PListSerializer.
That's it!