awesomeDialogsWithoutAnimate is a fork and remove rive(Difficulty compiling) from awsomeDialogs
To use this package, add awesome_dialog_without_animate as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. And add this import to your file.
import 'package:awesome_dialog_without_animate/awesome_dialog.dart';
Check out for more fun.
context: context,
animType: AnimType.rightSlide,,
title: 'Dialog Title',
desc: 'Dialog description here.............',
btnCancelOnPress: () {},
btnOkOnPress: () {},
If the body is specified, then title and description will be ignored, this allows to further customize the dialogue.
context: context,
animType: AnimType.scale,
body: Center(child: Text(
'If the body is specified, then title and description will be ignored, this allows to further customize the dialogue.',
style: TextStyle(fontStyle: FontStyle.italic),
title: 'This is Ignored',
desc: 'This is also Ignored',
btnOkOnPress: () {},
To use custom buttons, just specify the buttonOk or btnCancel widget, all text parameters icon etc will be ignored.
AwesomeDialog has onDismissCallback(type) and can be dismissed at any time using dismiss() public method.
Dart attribute | Datatype | Description | Default Value |
dialogType | DialogType | Set DialogType example:, this create an animated Header. | Null |
customHeader | Widget | Create your own header(if this is set DiaologType is ignored.) | Null |
width | double | The maximum width of the dialog, especially useful in web flutter, or landscape mode | MediaQuery.of(context).size.width. |
title | String | Set the title of dialog. | Null |
desc | String | Set the description text of the dialog. | Null |
body | Widget | Create your own Widget for body, if this property is set title and description will be ignored. | Null |
context | BuildContext | @required | Null |
btnOkText | String | Text of positive button | 'Ok' |
btnOkIcon | IconData | Icon of positive button | Null |
btnOkOnPress | Function | Function that handle click of positive Button, closing the dialog is handled internally. | Null |
btnOkColor | Color | Color of positive Button | Color(0xFF00CA71) |
btnOk | Widget | Allows to create a custom button, if this property is different from null then btnOkText, btnOkIcon, btnOkOnPress, btnOkColor will be ignored | null |
btnCancelText | String | Text of negative button | 'Cancel' |
btnCancelIcon | IconData | Icon of negative button | Null |
btnCancelOnPress | Function | Function that handle click of negative Button, closing the dialog is handled internally. | Null |
btnCancelColor | Color | Color of negative Button | |
btnCancel | Widget | Allows to create a custom button, if this property is different from null then btnCancelText, btnCancelIcon, btnCancelOnPress, btnCancelColor will be ignored | null |
buttonsBorderRadius | BorderRadiusGeometry | Allows to customize buttons border radius | BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(100)) |
dismissOnTouchOutside | bool | Dismiss dialog on touch overlay | true |
onDismissCallback | Function | Dismiss callback function | Null |
animType | AnimType | Type of dialogue enter animation | AnimType.SCALE |
alignment | AlignmentGeometry | dialogue alignment gravity | |
useRootNavigator | bool | Use the root navigator instead than the local. This is useful when the default cancel go to the previous screen instead to just close the dialog | false |
headerAnimationLoop | bool | headerAnimationLoop control the loop for animation header | true |
padding | EdgeInsetsGeometry | The padding of dialog elements | EdgeInsets.only(left: 5, right: 5), |
autoHide | Duration | Hide the Dialog after this Duration | null |
keyboardAware | bool | Control if add or not the Padding EdgeInsets.only(bottom: MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets.bottom). | true |
dismissOnBackKeyPress | bool | control if AwesomeDialog is dismissible by back button. | true |
buttonsBorderRadius | BorderRadiusGeometry | Border Radius for built in buttons. | BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(100) |
buttonsTextStyle | TextStyle | TextStyle for built in buttons. | TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontWeight:FontWeight.w700, fontSize: 14) |
showCloseIcon | bool | Control if close icon is appear. | false |
closeIcon | Widget | Custom closeIcon. | null |
dialogBackgroundColor | Color | custom background color for entire dialog. | Theme.of(context).cardColor |
borderSide | BorderSide | enable border en entire dialog shape | null |
autoDismiss | bool | When stetted to false clicking Ok or Cancel button won't dismiss the dialog. You can pass custom Navigator.pop function in the onDissmissCallback . |
true |
barrierColor | Color | Color for the barrier around the dialog |
Colors.black54 |
enableEnterKey | bool | If true , hitting Enter key will act like pressing the Ok button. |
false |