ISAR is a set of scripts for building software packages and repeatable generation of Debian-based root filesystems with customizations.
Instruction on how to build can be found in the
To test the QEMU image, run the following command:
start_vm -a <arch of your build> -d <distro of your build>
Ex: Architecture of your build could be arm,arm64,i386,amd64,etc. Distribution of your build could be buster,bullseye,bookworm,etc.
The default root password is 'root'.
To test the RPi board, flash the image to an SD card using the instructions from the official site, section "WRITING AN IMAGE TO THE SD CARD":
List of supported distributions, architectures and features can be found in the
Mailing lists:
Using Isar:
- Subscribe: [email protected]
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Commercial support: [email protected]
- Developed by ilbers GmbH & Siemens AG
- Sponsored by Siemens AG
- Re-worked by Roberto A. Foglietta
This is a modified fork maintained by
- Roberto A. Foglietta [email protected]
Almost all the files are under one of many FOSS licenses and the others are in the public domain. Instead, the composition of these files is protected by the GPLv3 license under the effects of the Copyright Act, title 17. USC §101:
Under the Copyright Act, a compilation [EdN: "composition" is used here as synonym because compilation might confuse the technical reader about code compiling] is defined as a "collection and assembling of preexisting materials or of data [EdN: data includes source code, as well] that are selected in such a way that the resulting work as a whole constitutes an original work of authorship."
This means, for example, that everyone can use a single MIT licensed file or a part of it under the MIT license terms. Instead, using two of them or two parts of them implies that you are using a subset of this collection which is a derived work of this collection which is licensed under the GPLv3, also.
The GPLv3 license applies to the composition unless you are the original author of a specific unmodified file. This means that every one that can legally claim rights about the original files maintains its rights, obviously. Therefore the original authors do not need to undergo the GPLv3 license applied to the composition and they maintains their original right in full. Unless, they use the entire composition or a part of it for which they had not the rights, before.
Some files, documents, software or firmware components can make an exception to the above general approach due to their specific copyright and license restrictions. In doubt, follow the thumb rule of fair-use.
An exception is this specific file which is "all rights reserved, but fair use allowed", here:
- which is different among branches, check which one you are using
This file will be installed into the images created by this fork when your layer will use
IMAGE_INSTALL += "expand-on-first-boot"
is added to the image recipe. Thus this file license applies also to produced images.
For further information or requests about licensing and how to obtain a fork suitable for your own business, please write to the project maintainer and copyleft owner:
- Roberto A. Foglietta [email protected]
Have fun! <3