A collection of java classes for some basic natural language processing (NLP) for the Sanskrit language, contributed by the open source SanskritNLP project and friends. Some notable facilities:
- Basic metre identification.
- Some grammar simulation.
Contributions and suggestions are invited at https://github.com/sanskrit-coders/sanskritnlpjava . (Sister projects there may also be of interest.)
- Maven repository here .
- Last update : 2017-03-23
- Final jar files
- out/*.jar [all modules in intellij project]
- target/*.jar [includes sources and javadocs in separate jars. sanskritnlp module only]
- Classes
- out/production/*/ [Modules other than sanskritnlp.]
- target/sanskritnlp-1.0-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/classes [sanskritnlp module output.]
- stardict-sanskrit and sister stardict-.* projects.
- Strongly recomment Intellij Idea IDE.
- Just point it to the IML file and .idea/* files.
- There are also eclipse files which haven't been used in a long time.
- Easiest: Use the View -> Tool Windows -> "Maven Projects" window.
- You can set up a maven goal as a run configuration.
- In intellij: Don't be fooled by weird messages in the Run widget - look at the messages widget.
- Note that we're using appengine-maven-plugin in <pom.xml>, and credentials stored in settings.xml (<-- not to be checked in) .
- Deploy snapshot artifacts into repository https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/com/github/sanskrit-coders/sanskritnlp.
- Version number ends with -SNAPSHOT. Eg. 1.0-SNAPSHOT
- Build and release target: clean deploy.
- intellij target name: "mvn deploy".
- Deploy release artifacts into the staging repository and here :
- Repeat the same with a non snapshot version number.
- Releasing to central (if it does not automatically happen):
- Notes: http://central.sonatype.org/pages/releasing-the-deployment.html
- Artifacts can be examined on Sonatype here and released - if the staging repository is visible there. Otherwise, it may already be deployed in central!
- Maven target can be used: nexus-staging:release . There is an intellij target of the same name.
- "After you successfully release, your component will be published to Central, typically within 10 minutes, though updates to search.maven.org can take up to two hours."
- Group id was created under Sonatype: here , and we received exemption from the javadoc requirement alter (link).
See indic-transliteration/README for the following info: