Go CLI client for Shhh
shhh-cli is a Command Line Interface tool interacting with Shhh. This allows you to create and read secrets using Shhh directly from the terminal.
GO111MODULE=auto go get -u github.com/smallwat3r/shhh-cli \
&& mv $GOPATH/bin/shhh-cli $GOPATH/bin/shhh
brew tap smallwat3r/scripts \
&& brew install shhh
This util has no runtime dependencies, you can download a binary for your platform here.
This util interacts by default with the official Shhh server. If
you've set-up your own Shhh server, and want to create secrets
from this server by default, you will need to set-up a custom SHHH_SERVER
environment variable.
# Example (in your .bashrc or .zshrc file)
export SHHH_SERVER=https://<my-custom-shhh-server>.com
Note: this won't impact reading secrets from external Shhh servers, and
you will still be able to create secrets using other Shhh servers using the
Let's create a secret:
$ shhh create -m "The secret message" -p db928bdSBJ -e 1h
Secret link : https://<server>/secret/m5ZNRv6e5L4k2OwVr7qf
One time passphrase : db928bdSBJ
Expires on : June 23, 2021 at 00:01 UTC
You can now send this snippet to your recipient in a chat or email.
If you receive a secret, you can also read it as follows:
$ shhh read -l https://<server>/secret/m5ZNRv6e5L4k2OwVr7qf -p db928bdSBJ
The secret message
Access the help menu:
$ shhh --help
Create or read secrets from a Shhh server.
Find more information at https://github.com/smallwat3r/shhh-cli/blob/master/README.md
shhh [mode] [options]
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
-v, --version Show program version and exit.
create Creates a secret message.
read Read a secret message.
Usage of create:
-h, --help Show create help message and exit.
-m, --message <string> Secret message to encrypt.
-p, --passphrase <string> Passphrase to encrypt secret.
-e, --expire <int> (opt) How long to keep the secret alive: 10m, 30m, 1h, 3h, 6h, 1d, 2d, 3d, 5d or 7d (default: 3d).
-t, --tries <int> (opt) Max nb of tries to open the secret: 3, 5 or 7 (default: 5).
-h, --host <string> (opt) Shhh target server (ex: https://<server>.com).
-s, --secure (opt) Check passphrase against the haveibeenpwned API.
example: shhh create -m [secret] -p [passphrase] -e 30m -t 3 -s
Usage of read:
-h, --help Show read help message and exit.
-l, --link <string> URL link to access secret.
-p, --passphrase <string> Passphrase to decrypt secret.
example: shhh read -l [link] -p [passphrase]
shhh-cli version 1.3.0