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Fix installer and sign all dlls #828

Fix installer and sign all dlls

Fix installer and sign all dlls #828

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
branches: [ main ]
os: [ windows-2022, ubuntu-24.04 ]
config: [ Debug, Release ]
name: PR Build ${{matrix.os}} ${{matrix.config}}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# Setup Environment
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
path: "soup"
submodules: true
- name: Setup .NET Core
uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
dotnet-version: 9.0.x
- name: Setup Soup Build
uses: soup-build/setup-soup@v1
version: latest
# Restore Nuget
- name: DotNet Restore
run: dotnet restore ./soup/code/generate-sharp/GenerateSharp.sln
# Build Soup
- name: Soup Where
run: swhere
- name: Soup Restore Client
run: soup restore ./soup/code/client/cli/
- name: Soup Build Client
run: soup build ./soup/code/client/cli/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Run Version
run: soup run ./soup/code/client/cli/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}} -args version
- name: Soup Restore GenerateTest
run: soup restore ./soup/code/generate-test/
- name: Soup Build GenerateTest
run: soup build ./soup/code/generate-test/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
# - name: Soup Restore SWhere
# run: soup restore ./soup/code/generate-sharp/swhere/
# - name: Soup Build SWhere
# run: soup build ./soup/code/generate-sharp/swhere/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
# - name: Soup Restore PackageManager
# run: soup restore ./soup/code/GenerateSharp/package-manager/
# - name: Soup Build PackageManager
# run: soup build ./soup/code/generate-sharp/package-manager/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Restore Tools
run: soup restore ./soup/code/client/tools/
- name: Soup Build Tools
run: soup build ./soup/code/client/tools/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
# Build DotNet
- name: DotNet Build
run: dotnet build -c ${{matrix.config}} --no-restore ./soup/code/generate-sharp/GenerateSharp.sln
- name: DotNet Test
run: dotnet test -c ${{matrix.config}} --no-build --verbosity normal ./soup/code/generate-sharp/GenerateSharp.sln
# Build Tools
- name: Soup Restore PrintGraph
run: soup restore ./soup/code/tools/print-graph/
- name: Soup Build PrintGraph
run: soup build ./soup/code/tools/print-graph/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Restore PrintResults
run: soup restore ./soup/code/tools/print-results/
- name: Soup Build PrintResults
run: soup build ./soup/code/tools/print-results/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Restore PrintValueTable
run: soup restore ./soup/code/tools/print-valuetable/
- name: Soup Build PrintValueTable
run: soup build ./soup/code/tools/print-valuetable/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Restore Migrate
run: soup restore ./soup/code/generate-sharp/migrate/
- name: Soup Build Migrate
run: soup build ./soup/code/generate-sharp/migrate/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
# Build Samples
- name: Soup Restore C BuildExtension
run: soup restore ./soup/samples/c/build-extension/executable/
- name: Soup Build C BuildExtension
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c/build-extension/executable/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Build C ConsoleApplication
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c/console-application/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Build C DynamicLibrary
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c/dynamic-library/application/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Build C StaticLibrary
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c/static-library/application/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Build C WindowsApplication
if: matrix.os == 'windows-2022'
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c/windows-application/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Restore C# BuildExtension
run: soup restore ./soup/samples/c#/build-extension/executable/
- name: Soup Build C# BuildExtension
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c#/build-extension/executable/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Build C# ConsoleApplication
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c#/console-application/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Build C# Library
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c#/library/application/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Restore C++ BuildExtension
run: soup restore ./soup/samples/c++/build-extension/executable/
- name: Soup Build C++ BuildExtension
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c++/build-extension/executable/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Build C++ ConsoleApplication
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c++/console-application/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Build C++ DirectX
if: matrix.os == 'windows-2022'
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c++/directx/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Build C++ DynamicLibrary
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c++/dynamic-library/application/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Build C++ ModuleDynamicLibrary
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c++/module-dynamic-library/application/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Build C++ ModuleInterface
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c++/module-interface/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Restore C++ ParseJson
run: soup restore ./soup/samples/c++/parse-json/
- name: Soup Build C++ ParseJson
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c++/parse-json/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Build C++ StaticLibrary
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c++/static-library/application/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}
- name: Soup Build C++ WindowsApplication
if: matrix.os == 'windows-2022'
run: soup build ./soup/samples/c++/windows-application/ -flavor ${{matrix.config}}