A simple Game of Life written in Rust.
- Continuously update the grid of cells.
- Beautifully display grids in the console!
- Serve a web page that displays the current grid in HTML.
- Start with a new randomized grid.
- Customize starting grid width, height and amount of living cells.
- Customize grid update frequency.
- Download & unzip the latest release.
- Then just run the single binary file:
Example output:
Server running at http://localhost:8090/
| o o |
|oo o o o o o|
| o o o oooo ooo oo |
| o o o |
|oo o o o oo |
| oo oo oooo|
| o oo o o o |
| o o o o o o o o|
|o oo o |
| o oo o o ooo |
- Press
to stop the game.
You can specify the following options:
life [OPTIONS]
--help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-a, --alive <alive-ratio> Starting grid ratio of alive cells, between 0 and 1 [default: 0.3]
-h, --height <grid-height> Starting grid height, at least 3 [default: 10]
-w, --width <grid-width> Starting grid width, at least 3 [default: 20]
-p, --port <port> Web server port to listen to [default: 8090]
-f, --frequency <update-frequency> Cell generation update frequency in Hz [default: 1.0]
- Rust 2018 edition.
to generate a changelog.
Just run standard cargo commands.
# Build and test
cargo test
# Build and run the debug version
cargo run
# Build and run the release version
cargo run --release
This project adheres to the Conventional Commits specifications.
All commit messages should follow the following template:
[optional type: ]<description>
[optional body]
- No need for a
part. - Only the
types are used. - Description should start with an upper case character and should not finish with a period.
This project follows the Keep a Changelog principle.
In order to generate a changelog, after committing your latest changes, run the following commands.
git-chglog -c .chglog/changelog.yml > ./CHANGELOG.md