This project provides an object & hierarchy based wrapper API for the smbj project ( It serves as a replacement for the aging and insecure JCIFS project.
In the open source world it is hard to get to know your users and their use cases & needs. In case you are using this library and enjoy it (or had problems), feel free to send me a mail ([email protected]) with your experience/thoughts. Thanks!
Import the dependency:
Provide a SLF4J logger backend implementation:
Note: You can also use a different backend implementation. For more information see
Via anonymous user:
AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = AuthenticationContext.anonymous();
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
// Do your work
Via username and password:
AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext("USERNAME", "PASSWORD".toCharArray(), "");
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
// Do your work
Via username/domain and password:
AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext("USERNAME", "PASSWORD".toCharArray(), "DOMAIN");
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
// Do your work
In case you need a custom SMB configuration, you can also pass a smbj SmbConfig
object to the SMB connection:
SmbConfig smbConfig = SmbConfig.builder().withSoTimeout(3000).build();
AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext("USERNAME", "PASSWORD".toCharArray(), "DOMAIN");
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext, smbConfig)) {
// Do your work
- The created connection is not thread safe. As soon you are using several threads, create a new connection for each thread.
- You don't have to use the try-with-resources statement that automatically closes the connection. You can also close the connection manually.
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
SmbDirectory rootDirectory = new SmbDirectory(smbConnection);
for (SmbDirectory smbDirectory : rootDirectory.getDirectories()) {
for (SmbFile smbFile : rootDirectory.getFiles()) {
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
SmbDirectory rootDirectory = new SmbDirectory(smbConnection);
// List all directories and files of the current directory (Unfiltered, non-recursive)
List<SmbItem> smbItems1 = rootDirectory.listItems();
// List by string pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern), non-recursive tree search
List<SmbItem> smbItems2 = rootDirectory.listItems("MyFile.txt", false);
// List by predicate, recursive tree search
List<SmbItem> smbItems3 = rootDirectory.listItems(smbItem -> smbItem.getName().contains("MyFile.txt"), true);
- The given entry path is fully accessed and filtered/searched on the client side (There is no support for server side filtering). This can lead to performance issue with large file trees.
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
SmbFile smbFile = new SmbFile(smbConnection, "File.txt");
System.out.println("Is existing: " + smbFile.isExisting());
System.out.println("Is directory: " + smbFile.isDirectory());
System.out.println("Is file: " + smbFile.isFile());
System.out.println("Is hidden: " + smbFile.isHidden());
System.out.println("Is root path: " + smbFile.isRootPath());
System.out.println("Name: " + smbFile.getName());
System.out.println("Server name: " + smbFile.getServerName());
System.out.println("Share name: " + smbFile.getShareName());
System.out.println("Path: " + smbFile.getPath());
System.out.println("SMB path: " + smbFile.getSmbPath());
System.out.println("Creation time: " + smbFile.getCreationTime());
System.out.println("Last access time: " + smbFile.getLastAccessTime());
System.out.println("Last write time: " + smbFile.getLastWriteTime());
System.out.println("Change time: " + smbFile.getChangeTime());
System.out.println("File size: " + smbFile.getFileSize());
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
SmbDirectory smbDirectory = new SmbDirectory(smbConnection, "Directory/Subdirectory/Subdirectory");
SmbFile smbFile = new SmbFile(smbConnection, "Directory/Subdirectory/File.txt");
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
SmbFile smbFile = new SmbFile(smbConnection, "File.txt");
System.out.println("Is root path: " + smbFile.isRootPath());
SmbDirectory parentDirectory = smbFile.getParentPath();
SmbDirectory rootDirectory = smbFile.getRootPath();
Create a file:
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
SmbFile smbFile = new SmbFile(smbConnection, "File.txt");
Create a directory:
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
SmbDirectory smbDirectory = new SmbDirectory(smbConnection, "Directory");
Create a directory in the current directory (Same as SmbDirectory.createDirectory
for path Directory/Subdirectory
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
SmbDirectory smbDirectory = new SmbDirectory(smbConnection, "Directory");
SmbDirectory newSmbDirectory = smbDirectory.createDirectoryInCurrentDirectory("Subdirectory");
Create a file in the current directory (Same as SmbFile.createFile
for path Directory/File.txt
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
SmbDirectory smbDirectory = new SmbDirectory(smbConnection, "Directory");
SmbFile newSmbFile = smbDirectory.createFileInCurrentDirectory("File.txt");
Copy a file on the same server share (In case they are different shares, use the download/upload bellow):
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
SmbFile sourceFile = new SmbFile(smbConnection, "Screenshot1.png");
SmbFile destinationFile = new SmbFile(smbConnection, "Screenshot2.png");
Rename a file or directory with the possibility to replace it's existing pendant (The renamed file/directory will be returned as new object):
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
SmbDirectory smbDirectory = new SmbDirectory(smbConnection, "Directory");
SmbDirectory renamedSmbDirectory = smbDirectory.renameTo("DirectoryRenamed.txt", false);
SmbFile smbFile = new SmbFile(smbConnection, "File.txt");
SmbFile renamedSmbFile = smbFile.renameTo("FileRenamed.txt", true); // Replace an existing file
- You can only rename and replace a path of the same type (File/Directory). For example it's not possible to rename and replace a file to an existing directory and vica versa
Ensure that a directory exists (Autocreation if required):
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
SmbDirectory smbDirectory = new SmbDirectory(smbConnection, "Directory");
Upload from an input stream and overwrite/append to the file:
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
SmbFile smbFile = new SmbFile(smbConnection, "File.txt");
InputStream inputStream = ... // Your input stream
// Overwrite the file
OutputStream outputStream = smbFile.getOutputStream();
// Append to the file
OutputStream outputStream = smbFile.getOutputStream(true);
IOUtils.copy(inputStream, outputStream);
Download to an output stream from the file:
try (SmbConnection smbConnection = new SmbConnection("", "Share", authenticationContext)) {
SmbFile smbFile = new SmbFile(smbConnection, "File.txt");
InputStream inputStream = smbFile.getInputStream();
OutputStream outputStream = ... // Your output stream
IOUtils.copy(inputStream, outputStream);
This project is licensed under the MIT license. For more information see the
For questions and problems, please open an issue. Please also take a look at the open issues.