Spring Boot application that will be used by our candidates to implement interview assignment.
This project relies mainly on Spring Boot. Mainly:
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Security
- Spring Web
Full list of dependencies can be found in pom.xml.
- Candidates expected to implement required features based on provided scenario
- Each implementation should be equipped with unit tests
- Integration tests are require to demonstrate API usages
The are two roles in the system; LIBRARIAN
- I can add, update, and remove Books from the system
- I can add, update, view, and remove Member from the system
- I can view, borrow, and return available Books
- Once a book is borrowed, its status will change to
- Once a book is returned, its status will change to
- I can delete my own account
It will be an advantage for candidates to demonstrate the following:
- proper usage of Http Methods and REST practices
- understanding of SOLID Principle
- understanding of Design patterns
- understanding of TDD and BDD