- ASP.NET Core
- Entity Framework Core
- Both Sql Server and Sql lite databases are supported (Check installation instrcutions for more details)
- Angular
- Angular CLI (Only code scaffolding for now)
- Webpack 2
- Bootstrap 4
- ng-bootstrap
- @ngx-translate
- Typescript 2
- SASS support
- Best practices in file and application organization for Angular.
- Testing Angular code with Jasmine and Karma.
- End-to-end Angular code using Protractor.
- Istanbul for test coverage
- with Remap Istanbul for remapping Javascript to TypeScript coverage
- HMR (Hot Module Replacement) with Webpack
- Webpack DLL support for fast rebuilds (~ < 0.5 second), depends upon machine performance.
- Compodoc for Angular documentation
- Server and client watches
- Login and Registration functionality using Asp.Net Identity & JWT
- Token based authentication using Openiddict
- Get public key acess using: http://localhost:5000/.well-known/jwks
- Extensible User/Role identity implementation
- Various social login support, Follow this wiki page to see how it will work.
- Lazy loading with pre loading all modules for fast navigation.
- Angular dynamic forms for reusability and to keep html code DRY.
- Serilog with Seq support to manage structured logging.
- Swagger as Api explorer (Visit url http://localhost:5000/swagger after running the application). More details
- .Net core sdk
- Either VSCode with C# extension OR Visual studio 2017
- Nodejs
Make sure you have Node version >= 6.9.x and NPM >= 3
1. Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/asadsahi/AspNetCoreSpa
2. Change directory to our repo
cd AspNetCoreSpa
3. dotnet restore
4. Install global dependencies
npm install protractor rimraf http-server @angular/cli -g
5. npm install
6. Run the app (Development mode):
* If you are running the project for first time:
dotnet run migratedb seeddb (this will create database, apply migrations and seed the data)
i) One way (from VScode or Visual studio IDE):
F5 (This will automatically launch browser)
ii) Another way (from command line)
`dotnet run` (for single run) OR `dotnet watch run` (in watch mode)
Browse using http://localhost:5000 or https://localhost:5001
7. Run the app (Production mode):
npm run build:prod
`dotnet run` (for single run) OR `dotnet watch run` (in watch mode)
Browse using http://localhost:5000 (Note: https://localhost:5001 will not work for production as private SSL certificate only added as Dev middleware)
8. Notes on setting up database
* This project supports both sql server and sql lite databases
* Currently this project is configured to run under sqllite to speedup development cycle and the migrations added in this project are W.R.T sql lite
* To run under sql server:
* delete bin & Migrations folders
* Flip the switch in appsettings.json called `useSqLite` to `false`, this should point to use local sql server setup as default instance.
* Run `dotnet ef migrations add "MigrationName"`
* CAUTION: If you want to drop database while in development, you can run command `dotnet run dropdb`
Scaffold | Usage |
Component | ng g component my-new-component |
Directive | ng g directive my-new-directive |
Pipe | ng g pipe my-new-pipe |
Service | ng g service my-new-service |
Class | ng g class my-new-class |
Guard | ng g guard my-new-guard |
Interface | ng g interface my-new-interface |
Enum | ng g enum my-new-enum |
Module | ng g module my-module |
npm test
# this will also create coverage remaped to typescript files in coverage folder after test run completes
npm run test:watch
- Steps to generate:
- npm i compodoc -g
- npm run compodoc
- cd documentation
- http-server
### run end-to-end tests
# make sure you have your server running in another terminal (i.e run "dotnet run" command)
npm run e2e
npm run webdriver:update
npm run webdriver:start
npm run webdriver:start
# in another terminal
npm run e2e:live
AOT - Ahead of time compilation DON'TS
- Don’t use require statements for your templates or styles, use styleUrls and templateUrls, the angular2-template-loader plugin will change it to require at build time.
- Don’t use default exports.
- Don’t use form.controls.controlName, use form.get(‘controlName’)
- Don’t use control.errors?.someError, use control.hasError(‘someError’)
- Don’t use functions in your providers, routes or declarations, export a function and then reference that function name
- Inputs, Outputs, View or Content Child(ren), Hostbindings, and any field you use from the template or annotate for Angular should be public
How to run in docker on windows: more info
- Install docker for windows (this will install HyperV linux host on windows)
- npm run build:prod
- dotnet publish
- docker build bin\Debug\netcoreapp1.1\publish -t aspnetcorespa
- docker run -it -d -p 85:80 aspnetcorespa
- Navigate http://localhost:85
- This project is supported in everygreen browsers and IE10+
- IE8 & IE9 aren't supported since Bootstrap 4 is supported in IE10+ explained here.
- Use your site url, username, password
"C:\\Program Files\\IIS\\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync -enableRule:AppOffline -source:contentPath="%USERPROFILE%\AspNetCoreSpa\bin\release\netcoreapp1.1\publish" -dest:contentPath="aspnetcorespa",ComputerName="https://yoursitename.scm.azurewebsites.net/msdeploy.axd",UserName='yourusername',Password='yourpassword',AuthType='Basic'