weatherflow is a Go module for streaming rapid observations from the WeatherFlow Tempest API.
go get -u
import (
func main() {
client := weatherflow.NewClient("your-token-here", nil, log.Printf)
client.Start(func(msg weatherflow.Message) {
switch m := msg.(type) {
case *weatherflow.MessageObsSt:
fmt.Printf("Observation: %+v\n", m)
case *weatherflow.MessageRapidWind:
fmt.Printf("Rapid wind: %+v\n", m)
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
- Only Tempest and Rapid Wind observations are passed:
- Acknowledgement (ack)
- Rain Start Event (evt_precip)
- Lightning Strike Event (evt_strike)
- Device Online Event (evt_device_online)
- Device Offline Event (evt_device_offline)
- Station Online Event (evt_station_online)
- Station Offline Event (evt_station_online)
- Rapid Wind (3 sec) (rapid_wind)
- Observation (Air) (obs_air)
- Observation (Sky) (obs_sky)
- Observation (Tempest) (obs_st)
- Track delayed observations (occasionally the API will emit several
in a batch which are up to 10 minutes old) - Track missing observations
- Track duplicate observations (occasionally the API will emit up to four rapid observations for the same timestamp)
I took a bit of inspiration from the excellent goweatherflow module, which you should use instead if your Tempest is on the same LAN.