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Global Options

Ben McClelland edited this page Jul 18, 2024 · 25 revisions

These are options that apply to the gateway itself independent of any backend type. When available, the shorthand option can be used in place of the long option. Alternatively, the optional environment variable setting is specified in []s. Setting this env var has the same effect as using the command line option. For boolean options set env var value to "true", for example VGW_QUIET=true.

   --version, -v           list versitygw version (default: false)

The version option will print the current binary version and exit. For example:

$ ./versitygw --version
Version  : v0.1
Build    : a881893
BuildTime: 2023-05-29_05:16:34AM

   --port value, -p value  gateway listen address <ip>:<port> or :<port> (default: ":7070") [$VGW_PORT]

The port option will specify the listening port for the S3 server. This option can use either the form <ip>:<port> which will listen only on the network interface that matches the IP on the specified port, or :<port> which will listen on all network interfaces on the specified port. The <ip> spec can either be IP dotted notation or a resolvable hostname. The <port> spec can either be a numeric port or the service name typically in /etc/services.

This option will determine the S3 client endpoint to use. For example --port would require the S3 client to configure a server endpoint that would connect to this server endpoint such as

   --access value          root user access key [$ROOT_ACCESS_KEY_ID, $ROOT_ACCESS_KEY]
   --secret value          root user secret access key [$ROOT_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, $ROOT_SECRET_KEY]
   --region value          s3 region string (default: "us-east-1") [$VGW_REGION]

The access and secret options will specify the root account credentials. The root account is granted full authorization to all API requests after authentication. This is generally useful for creating user level buckets and assigning ACL grants. The access and secret options can be specified through environment variables (access: ROOT_ACCESS_KEY_ID or ROOT_ACCESS_KEY) (secret: ROOT_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY or ROOT_SECRET_KEY) or with the command line options. The environment variables can help to hide the credentials from process listings. The region is an optional argument, and will default to us-east-1 if not specified.

   --cert value            TLS cert file [$VGW_CERT]
   --key value             TLS key file [$VGW_KEY]

The cert and key values are optional. When not specified, the server will not use TLS. To enable TLS connections, both cert and key must be provided. The value for these options are the filenames for the respective options.

   --admin-port value, --ap value          gateway admin server listen address <ip>:<port> or :<port> [$VGW_ADMIN_PORT]
   --admin-cert value                      TLS cert file for admin server [$VGW_ADMIN_CERT]
   --admin-cert-key value                  TLS key file for admin server [$VGW_ADMIN_CERT_KEY]

The admin server endpoint can optionally be set to listen on a different interface or port than the S3 service. This allows for better control of firewall restrictions to the admin endpoint. The certs for this can be different certs than specified for the S3 service. The default when these are not specified is to have the admin server listen on the same endpoint as the S3 service.

   --quiet, -q                             silence stdout request logging output (default: false) [$VGW_QUIET]

The quiet option will silence the request info output enabled by default to stdout.

   --access-log value                      enable server access logging to specified file [$LOGFILE, $VGW_ACCESS_LOG]

The access-log value is optional. When defined, the server will write s3 server access log output to the specified file. It is suggested to use absolute paths for the server log file because the server may chdir into the backend root directory and change locations for relative paths. This option can also be set through LOGFILE env var. This option can only be set if log-webhook-url is not set. See LogFile for more details and log format.

   --admin-access-log value                enable admin server access logging to specified file [$LOGFILE, $VGW_ADMIN_ACCESS_LOG]

The admin-access-log is similar to the access-log option, but is logging access to the versitygw admin API generally used for user management and bucket ownership.

   --log-webhook-url value                 webhook url to send the audit logs [$WEBHOOK]

The log-webhook-url is optional. When defined, the server will send s3 server access log entries to the provided webhook URL formatted as json. This option can also be set through WEBHOOK env var . This option can only be set if access-log is not set. See Webhook for more details and log format.

   --health value                          health check endpoint path. Health endpoint will be configured on GET http method: GET <health>
                                                   NOTICE: the path has to be specified with '/'. e.g /health [$VGW_HEALTH]

The health options specifies a health check endpoint often used for load balancers to verify gateway is alive. The health endpoint masks any bucket with this setting. For example, if the health endpoint is set to /health, the gateway will not allow creating or listing contents of a bucket called health. The health endpoint is unauthenticated, and returns a 200 status for GET.

   --event-kafka-url value, --eku value    kafka server url to send the bucket notifications. [$VGW_EVENT_KAFKA_URL]
   --event-kafka-topic value, --ekt value  kafka server pub-sub topic to send the bucket notifications to [$VGW_EVENT_KAFKA_TOPIC]
   --event-kafka-key value, --ekk value    kafka server put-sub topic key to send the bucket notifications to [$VGW_EVENT_KAFKA_KEY]

Bucket events can be sent to a kafka message bus. When event-kafka-url, event-kafka-topic, and optionally event-kafka-key are specified, all configured bucket events will be sent to the kafka service. See Events-Notifications for more details and format.

   --event-nats-url value, --enu value     nats server url to send the bucket notifications [$VGW_EVENT_NATS_URL]
   --event-nats-topic value, --ent value   nats server pub-sub topic to send the bucket notifications to [$VGW_EVENT_NATS_TOPIC]

Bucket events can be sent to a NATS messaging service. When event-nats-url and event-nats-topic are specified, all configured bucket events will be sent to the NATS messaging service. See Events-Notifications for more details and format.

   --event-webhook-url value, --ewu value          webhook url to send bucket notifications [$VGW_EVENT_WEBHOOK_URL]

Bucket events can be sent to a webhook URL. When event-webhook-url is specified, all configured bucket events will be sent to the NATS messaging service. See Events-Notifications for more details and format.

   --event-filter value, --ef value                bucket event notifications filters configuration file path [$VGW_EVENT_FILTER]

Bucket events can be filtered using the notifications filters configuration file to only send configured events to the enabled event service. This is used in conjunction with one of the service event options. See Events-Notifications for more details and format.

   --iam-dir value                         if defined, run internal iam service within this directory [$VGW_IAM_DIR]

The iam-dir option will enable the internal IAM service with accounts stored in a file under the specified directory. This is provided to minimize dependencies on outside services for basic functionality. The local account files are plain text and only protected with file permissions. This IAM service is added for convenience, but is not considered as secure or scalable as a dedicated IAM service. See Multi-Tenant for more details.

   --iam-ldap-url value                    ldap server url to store iam data [$VGW_IAM_LDAP_URL]
   --iam-ldap-bind-dn value                ldap server binding dn, example: 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com' [$VGW_IAM_LDAP_BIND_DN]
   --iam-ldap-bind-pass value              ldap server user password [$VGW_IAM_LDAP_BIND_PASS]
   --iam-ldap-query-base value             ldap server destination query, example: 'ou=iam,dc=example,dc=com' [$VGW_IAM_LDAP_QUERY_BASE]
   --iam-ldap-object-classes value         ldap server object classes used to store the data. provide it as comma separated string, example: 'top,person' [$VGW_IAM_LDAP_OBJECT_CLASSES]
   --iam-ldap-access-atr value             ldap server user access key id attribute name [$VGW_IAM_LDAP_ACCESS_ATR]
   --iam-ldap-secret-atr value             ldap server user secret access key attribute name [$VGW_IAM_LDAP_SECRET_ATR]
   --iam-ldap-role-atr value               ldap server user role attribute name [$VGW_IAM_LDAP_ROLE_ATR]
   --iam-ldap-user-id-atr value            ldap server user id attribute name [$VGW_IAM_LDAP_USER_ID_ATR]
   --iam-ldap-group-id-atr value           ldap server user group id attribute name [$VGW_IAM_LDAP_GROUP_ID_ATR]

The ldap options will enable the LDAP IAM service with accounts stored in an external LDAP service. The iam-ldap-access-atr, iam-ldap-secret-atr, and iam-ldap-role-atr define the LDAP attributes that map to access, secret credentials and role respectively. See Multi-Tenant for more details.

   --s3-iam-access value                   s3 IAM access key [$VGW_S3_IAM_ACCESS_KEY]
   --s3-iam-secret value                   s3 IAM secret key [$VGW_S3_IAM_SECRET_KEY]
   --s3-iam-region value                   s3 IAM region (default: "us-east-1") [$VGW_S3_IAM_REGION]
   --s3-iam-bucket value                   s3 IAM bucket [$VGW_S3_IAM_BUCKET]
   --s3-iam-endpoint value                 s3 IAM endpoint [$VGW_S3_IAM_ENDPOINT]
   --s3-iam-noverify                       s3 IAM disable ssl verification (default: false) [$VGW_S3_IAM_NO_VERIFY]
   --s3-iam-debug                          s3 IAM debug output (default: false) [$VGW_S3_IAM_DEBUG]

The S3 IAM service is similar to the internal IAM service, but instead stores the account information JSON encoded in an S3 object. This should use a bucket that is not accessible to general users when using s3 backend to prevent access to account credentials. This IAM service is added for convenience, but is not considered as secure or scalable as a dedicated IAM service. See Multi-Tenant for more details.

   --iam-cache-disable                     disable local iam cache (default: false) [$VGW_IAM_CACHE_DISABLE]
   --iam-cache-ttl value                   local iam cache entry ttl (seconds) (default: 120) [$VGW_IAM_CACHE_TTL]
   --iam-cache-prune value                 local iam cache cleanup interval (seconds) (default: 3600) [$VGW_IAM_CACHE_PRUNE]

The IAM cache is intended to ease the load on the IAM service and increase the Gateway performance by caching accounts and credentials for the TTL time interval. Disabling this will cause a request to the configured IAM service for each incoming request to retrieve the corresponding account credentials. The cache is enabled by default. The TTL specifies how long to cache credentials, and the prune value determines the interval for expired entries to be removed from the cache. Increasing the TTL may lessen the load on the IAM service backend, but may have out of date account info until the next interval. Increasing the prune value may reduce memory use at the cost of added CPU to check cache expirations. See Multi-Tenant for more details.

   --readonly                                      allow only read operations across all the gateway (default: false) [$VGW_READ_ONLY]

The read only option disables all write actions through the gateway. This will only allow S3 API calls that do not change any data in the backend storage system. All API calls that attempt to create, upload, or delete objects through the gateway will get AccessDenied (HTTP Forbidden/403).

   --metrics-service-name value, --msn value       service name tag for metrics, hostname if blank [$VGW_METRICS_SERVICE_NAME]

Optional when enabling a metrics endpoint, setting the metrics-service-name will override the default hostname for service name metrics tag. By default all metrics are tagged with "service"=$HOSTNAME. See Metrics for more details.

   --metrics-statsd-servers value, --mss value     StatsD server urls comma separated. e.g. ',' [$VGW_METRICS_STATSD_SERVERS]

Setting metrics-statsd-servers enables sending StatsD metrics to the provided endpoints. The StatsD metrics are sent using InfluxDB flavor StatsD tags. The value for this option is a comma separated list of all endpoints that metrics should be sent to. See Metrics for more details.

   --metrics-dogstatsd-servers value, --mds value  DogStatsD server urls comma separated. e.g. ',' [$VGW_METRICS_DOGSTATS_SERVERS]

Setting metrics-dogstatsd-servers enables sending DataDog DogStatsD StatsD metrics to the provided endpoints. The value for this option is a comma separated list of all endpoints that metrics should be sent to. The typical value for this would be the local DataDog agent listening on See Metrics for more details.

   --debug                   enable debug output (default: false) [$VGW_DEBUG]

The debug option will print debug output such as request signing information.

   --pprof value             enable pprof debug on specified port [$VGW_PPROF]

The pprof option enables the pprof HTTP server for profiling the gateway while the process is running. See Profiling for more information.

   --help, -h              show help

The help option prints the command usage and exits.

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