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Pentagon is a small application designed to run as a Kubernetes CronJob to periodically copy secrets stored in Vault into equivalent Kubernetes Secrets, keeping them synchronized. Naturally, this should be used with care as "standard" Kubernetes Secrets are simply obfuscated as base64-encoded strings. However, one can and should use more secure methods of securing secrets including Google's KMS and restricting roles and service accounts appropriately.

Use at your own risk...

Why not just query Vault?

That's a good question. If you have a highly-available Vault setup that is stable and performant and you're able to modify your applications to query Vault, that's a completely reasonable approach to take. If you don't have such a setup, Pentagon provides a way to cache things securely in Kubernetes secrets which can then be provided to applications without directly introducing a Vault dependency.


Pentagon requires a simple YAML configuration file, the path to which should be passed as the first and only argument to the application. It is recommended that you store this configuration in a ConfigMap and reference it in the CronJob specification. A sample configuration follows:

  url: <url to vault>
  authType: # "token" or "gcp-default"
  token: <token value> # if authType == "token" is provided
  defaultEngineType: # "kv" or "kv-v2" (currently supported)
  role: "vault role" # if left empty, queries the GCP metadata service
  tls: # optional [tls options](
namespace: <kubernetes namespace for created secrets>
label: <label value to set for the 'pentagon'-created secrets>
  # mappings from vault paths to kubernetes secret names
  - vaultPath: secret/data/vault-path
    secretName: k8s-secretname
    vaultEngineType: # optionally "kv" or "kv-v2" to override the defaultEngineType specified above
    secretType: Opaque # optionally - default "Opaque" e.g.: ""

Labels and Reconciliation

By default, Pentagon will add a metadata label with the key pentagon and the value default. At the least, this helps identify Pentagon as the creator and maintainer of the secret.

If you set the label configuration parameter, you can control the value of the label, allowing multiple Pentagon instances to exist without stepping on each other. Setting a non-default label also enables reconciliation which will cleanup any secrets that were created by Pentagon with a matching label, but are no longer present in the mappings configuration. This provides a simple way to ensure that old secret data does not remain present in your system after its time has passed.

About Vault Engine Types

Apparently, different Vault secrets engines have slightly different APIs for returning data. For instance, here is the response for version 1 of the key/value store:

  "request_id": "12a0c057-f475-4bbd-6305-e4c07e66805c",
  "lease_id": "",
  "renewable": false,
  "lease_duration": 2764800,
  "data": {
    "foo": "world"
  "wrap_info": null,
  "warnings": null,
  "auth": null

Notice that the data object has the foo key embedded directly. Alternatively, here is the response for version 2 of the key/value store:

  "request_id": "78b921ae-79a8-d7e3-da16-336b634fff22",
  "lease_id": "",
  "renewable": false,
  "lease_duration": 0,
  "data": {
    "data": {
      "foo": "world"
    "metadata": {
      "created_time": "2019-10-01T19:36:25.285387Z",
      "deletion_time": "",
      "destroyed": false,
      "version": 1
  "wrap_info": null,
  "warnings": null,
  "auth": null

Notice the extra data element nested inside the outer data. Vault secrets engines can be mounted at arbitrary paths and it does not appear to be possible to reliably detect which engine was used in the API response directly. In order to properly unwrap the secret data,indicate either kv or kv-v2 as the vaultEngineType in the configuration. In the common case of using only one secrets engine, simply define the defaultEngineType in the vault configuration block and the mapping-level vaultEngineType will inherit the default. For compatibility, the unset default value defaults to kv. Note that this differs from the current default that Vault itself uses for the key/value secrets engine.

Return Values

The application will return 0 on success (when all keys were copied/updated successfully). A complete list of all possible return values follows:

Return Value Description
0 Successfully copied all keys.
10 Incorrect number of arguments.
20 Error opening configuration file.
21 Error parsing YAML configuration file.
22 Configuration error.
30 Unable to instantiate vault client.
31 Unable to instantiate kubernetes client.
40 Error copying keys.

Kubernetes Configuration

Pentagon is intended to be run as a cron job to periodically sync keys. In order to create/update Kubernetes secrets extra permissions are required. It is recommended to grant those extra permissions to a separate service account which the application will also use. The following roles is a sample configuration:

apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: pentagon
  schedule: "0 15 * * *"
  concurrencyPolicy: Replace
        app: pentagon
      parallelism: 1
      completions: 1
          serviceAccountName: pentagon # run with a service account that has access to create/update secrets
          terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
          - name: pentagon
            image: vimeo/pentagon:v1.1.0
            args: ["/etc/pentagon/pentagon.yaml"]
            imagePullPolicy: Always
                cpu: 250m
                memory: 128Mi
                cpu: 250m
                memory: 128Mi
                - name: pentagon-config
                  mountPath: /etc/pentagon
                  readOnly: true
              - name: pentagon-config
                  name: pentagon-config
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: pentagon-config
  pentagon.yaml: |
      url: https://vault.address
      authType: gcp-default
      tls: # optional if you have custom requirements
        capath: /etc/cas/custom-root-ca.crt
    label: mapped
      - vaultPath: secret/config/main/foo.key
        secretName: foo-key
      - vaultPath: secret/ssl/tls/
        secretType: ""
kind: Role
  name: pentagon
- apiGroups: ["*"]
  - secrets
  verbs: ["get", "list", "create", "update", "delete"]
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: pentagon
kind: RoleBinding
  name: pentagon
  kind: Role
  name: pentagon
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: pentagon


Pentagon is a production of Vimeo's Core Services team with lots of support from Vimeo SRE.