This gem calculates future insertion and removal dates for Nuvaring Birth Control. All possible usage patterns are supported.
require 'nuvaring_calendar'
nuva ="2015/06/20", swap_times: 2)
NuvaringCalendar class takes the following options:
:insertion_days Number of days to insert the nuva ring. Default 21.
:wait_days Number of days to wait after removing the nuva ring. Default 7.
:swap_times Number of times to keep replacing nuvaring with a new one before :wait_days. 1 swap time period == 1 x :insertion_days. Default 0.
:limit For how many days into the future beyond default_insertion_date should we compute? Default 365.
Give insertion date
nuva ="2015/12/12")
Returns and tags all future removal and insertion dates, limit 1.year from today.
remove 1.1.2015
insert 1.7.2015
remove 1.21.2015
insert 1.27.2015