CPSC 351 Programming Assignment 1
Canyon Schwartz - Section 03 13681 [email protected]
Julian Coronado - Section 03 13681 [email protected]
William Clemons - Section 03 13681 [email protected]
Nathan Nhek - Section 03 13681 [email protected]
Language Used: C++
How to execute the program:
- unzip the files on a linux machine by typing "tar -xvf '351-Assignment1.tar'
- cd into the newly unzipped file directory '351-Assignment1.tar'
- type "make" into the command line to automatically compile sender and reciever files
- This will produce output files: "sender" and "recv"
- You will need either 2 tabs or 2 terminals to complete the execution. In one tab, run the sender file by typing "./sender keyfile.txt"
- run the receiver file by typing "./recv"
- type ls to view the newly created file with the outputted message
- type "cat recvfile" to view the contents of the file in your terminal
We have not done the extra credit. Nothing stands out in our project at this time.